Chapter 12

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Chapter 12: later on

It's been about two years since you met Tom. You are officially his girlfriend and Tom is officially your boyfriend. Tom had moved to a bigger house right across the road with two floors and you visited him often (you may as well lived there by now), admiring the precision of fancy-ness that his domain wielded. His new neighbours were rather strange. They were an old married couple with an abnormal amount of snakes. They called the snakes their 'babies' and whenever a kid walked by their house and the couple was out, they'd scream something like:

"RUN AWAY CHILDREN. RUN AWAY FROM THE SNAKE PEOPLE, LOVES." sometimes it was funny but other times it was rather disturbing. But Thomas had been rather ill for the past week, so you spent those nights to take care of him.  

"Help! Please! Somebody help me!" you heard him scream from upstairs. You slowly lift yourself up off the couch and trudge your way up the stairs. You walk into his room and see a fully grown man sprawled upon his bed pathetically crying for help. He looked like a dramatic child, with his bottom lip stuck out and quivering, his feet hanging limp at the side of the bed.  

"I'm hurting again. Will you give me a healing kiss once more?" He groans, emphasising the 'pain' that he had been enduring since your last kiss.  

"You've been 'hurting' all week now, love." you try your best to keep the amusement out of your voice, so that Tom doesn't get even more encouraged.  

"B-but I need my medicine." he meekly whined, sticking his lower lip out even more. You roll your eyes and sit beside him. His hair was beginning to be its natural colour again, you remember when you had first met him, his hair was a reddish-brown colour. It actually looked quite well on him. But so did his adorable sandy blonde hair. You twirled his hair with one of your fingers. He sat up and leaned against you. You shift yourself so that you are sitting in front of your beloved. You cup his head in your hands, dusting his lips with yours with the lightest of touches. Then you quickly pull away, standing up and resting at the doorway. You smirk and laugh at the look on Toms handsome face.  

"Ok, now. If I hear you one more time, I am sitting with you until you fall asleep, you loon." you left before he answered. As soon as you sit yourself back on the couch to resume your program of the season finale for Supernatural;



It was one o'clock in the morning when Tom came down stairs in… What’s that… Footie pyjamas?? He looked like a little child that just had a nightmare and wanted comfort. The sight of him almost made you laugh. Tom was even carrying a pillow while rubbing the sleep from his eyes. You wanted to just squish his cheeks together and carry him off to bed. Too bad he was a grown man, not a child.  

“What in the world are you wearing Tom?” you ask, laughing and walking towards him.

"M-my love..." he whispered, looking at you with his large puppydog eyes.

"Come to bed with me?" he asked, looking at you with his piercing eyes. You looked at him with neither amusement nor irritant.  

"Tom..." you began, just barely letting a little giggle out.

"There's a tele in my room too!" he explained to you, sticking his lower lip out and making it quiver again just slightly. You let out an exasperated sigh and rolled your eyes.  

"Please?" he pleaded quietly. You get up slowly, and Tom did a little dance of happiness. You bit your lip and smiled at him. He grabbed your hand and led you upstairs. You and him made it upstairs and into his room. He playfully shoved you on the bed, and you grabbed his hand and took him with you, him landing on top of you. Tom is just so handsome... Tom leaned his head down to give you a kiss. You lifted your head up. Right before your lips made contacts, he started coughing like a smoker.

"Eww, Tom!" you shove him off.

"It's not funny!!" you add, after seeing him wheezing out a laugh. You make a face at him and smile, then lay down. You still hear him laughing, and while you turn your back to him, he hugged you, leaving his arm at your waist. You fell asleep.


You awoke in the morning, hearing noise in the closet. You look around to see why there was sounds coming from the closet, and you see Tom, fidgeting with something. He already had his clothes on- sort of. Tom had taken off his pants and only had a shirt and boxers on.  

"Tom.. What the hell are you doing?" you ask, sitting up and looking at him.

"Yes! You're finally awake!" he jumped up, holding something behind his back.

"What do you have there?" you ask curiously.  

"Well.. Since its your birthday today.." he started, and you remembered that today was your birthday! Why didn't you think of that?  

"I got you a..." he said dramatically.

"A kitten!!" Tom shouted excitedly, holding an ivory coloured kitten in his hands. You immediately widen your eyes and grab the kitten from his hands, nuzzling your face into the kittens fur.

"Oh!! Oh my goodness! This kitten is so fluffy" you say, playing with the kitten. The kitten really was impeccably soft, and had really nice light brown eyes.  

"I thought you may love her." Tom said smiling. You crawl toward Tom, the kitten still in your hands. You put one arm around Toms' neck and kiss him. The kitten escaped your grip and started clawing down your arm. You didn't stop kissing your loved one until the kitten got to your shoulder and started patting at your face. Then you pulled away and nuzzled with the kitten some more.

"Urggggh you're a cutie!" you told the kitten.

"I shall name you Ivory! Or maybe... Yeah. Ivory." you decide, based on the colour of your new kittens fur. You thanked Tom and kissed him lightly on his nose. Today, you could sense, would be one of the most interesting days yet.

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