Chapter 3

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Chapter 3: getting ready.

You run into your room, and pull out clothes. You have no idea what to wear. First you pull out some faded blue jeans and a Beatles tee, and lay it on your bed. Then you pull out a pretty green dress and lay it next to the previous outfit you laid out. Next you pull out a black flouncy skirt, knee high socks, and a white tank top. Still not knowing,you take a shower and thought about it the whole time.

You come to the conclusion that the tee and jeans was too informal, and the dress might too formal. So you decide on the tank and the skirt. You are still pretty young, 24, so knee high socks still looked good on you, without making you look like a try hard. But then you feel like that it may make you look like you *are* trying too hard to get his attention, So you take it off, sighing. Sitting on your bed in only your underwear, you stare at the clothes. You finally just choose to wear the dress, which had a soft floral print on it just a shade darker than the main colour. You pull your hair to one side, letting it flow with its natural curls and frizz. You carefully draw on eyeliner, keeping your hand steady as though you were defusing a bomb.

Feeling ready, you step outside your front door, locking it, and knocked on Toms door. When he opened it, Shakira's "Hips Don't Lie" was blasting out of a radio. It seemed he was still unpacking a lot of items, for the room was filled with boxes and empty other then the small brown cardboard. Tom sees that it's you, and runs inside really quick to turn off the radio. He smiles at you, and greets you.

"Hello, Demi. You're ready? You look lovely.." he smiles softly and looks at you. "Oh, hold on, I need to get my jacket!"

'Yes.. Good choice on the outfit..' you say in your head, silently doing a fist pump in the air. Tom showed up at the door again, wearing tight pants, a white shirt, (a different one from the tea stained one) and a black leather jacket. He looked quite handsome in it. You where sure that he looked handsome in everything he wore.

"By the way..." you start as you and Tom are walking down the stairs, "Where are we going?" you ask quietly.

"A place." he said vaguely, with a soft smile.

"What kind of place?" you ask. "A food place?" you ask a little eagerly. Tom laughed.

"Yes, a food place!" he said while laughing. You and Tom are about to make it down the final seven steps, and you stumble pretty bad, sliding down the steps. Tom jumps in front of you, catching you, and falling hard on his back. Almost not wanting to leave his strong arms, you stay on top of him. Then you remember-

"Oh goodness!" you yell, jumping off of him. "I'm so sorry! So so sorry!" you shout, pacing in front of him. He seemed to have the wind nocked out of him, for he was gasping a little. You try to help him up, but he's too heavy. He sits himself up, and grabs your hand again. Thinking he wanted help up, your grab his hand with your other, and try to pull him up. But he stays firmly in his spot. He grabs your other hand with his, and kisses both of your hands. You look at him, astonished. He stands back up, still towering over you.

"Are you alright?" he asks tenderly.

You're silent for a while.

"Are you?" he asked a little more seriously. You nod your head, but begin to shake it, then do an awkward head nod shake thing.

"Am *I* alright?" you ask, a little irritated. "You're the one who actually took the damage, you idiot! I could've handeled that myself, you didn't need to hurt yourself!" you say angrily, and you feel your cheeks growing red. You look away. He laughed. Tom cupped your head in one of his hands.

"I'm fine, just as long as you are." he smiled affectionately, and kissed your forehead. 'This man. Is crazy.' You think to yourself. But you liked it. What an interesting man.

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