chapter 17

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 Mr cookie :please vote for team s cause we entered the watty awards !

Sky pov

I was walking through the long hallway in the organization , when I reached the door the computer took my finger print and scanned my eye , as the door opened I heard hushed voices , whispering , normally I would shrugged it off but storm’s name caught my attention . 

“She is just a useless shit, she doesn’t deserve being our captain, hell It shouldn’t be her any way it should be Scott” I knew very well the owner of that voice, Damon.

“I know man, she is a girl after all.” his friend barked in laughter. I felt sick with anger, they know nothing about the incident, and so what right do they have to talk about her like that. I looked straight ahead , I gasped lowly , storm was standing there , stoned ,for once in my life I saw a broken look in her eyes , and that scared me to no end , storm since she was little , she was the toughest among all of us , and since our parents were always in missions , she took their jobs , you see in normal situations , it would be Scott or Seth who would take care of the younger siblings , but they both were so young at that age, I remember the day when storm brought us together and taught us that we are enough to be a family , it was a snowy day  and our parents promised us that they will come to spend this day with us , but they never did , I remember that day as the hours passed , while we sat looking out of the windows waiting , and when night time came I started crying , my 6 years old self didn’t accept that my parents won’t come today ,and my other brothers started crying with me ,feeling betrayed  that day storm went and made us all hot chocolates , yes she made them even though she was 6 , she ended up hurting herself , but she still made them ,she smiled her bright smile to us and said "   guys i am sure they were forced to not come , maybe they are helping innocents like SPIDER MAN!" that day i felt stupid for crying ,i remember we all snuggled together and told each other stories , we laughed so hard that day  . now we all do the same every snowing day . she always was the wise one , and it's always her that any of us go to for advice . that girl is our everything that's why we would take a bullet for her without a second thought .

So the look of a broken little girl on her face made me remember all the times we depended on her even though it should be the other way around, I ran to her and held her closely to me

“Sky? What are you doing here?” she said, erasing that sad look off of her face, and replacing it with a smile.

“Don’t do that “I said, and I know that she understood me perfectly, all those times she must have been hurting from the incident, and hide it for our sakes, what an awful twin brother I am.

“Stop that thought this instant Mr! you are the best twin ever, period. And don’t you dare blame yourself for that incident it was in no way your fault” She said, no she can’t read my mind, but she can read me as an open book, I smiled sadly at her.

“Do you regret taking the leadership from Scott, storm?” I asked her remembering that awful day

“No, and I never will “the certainty in her voice blew my mind, she really doesn’t, not after all that happened to her, she really is my rock.

Out of nowhere 4 more figures jumped on us and hugged us hardly,.

“So why are we group-hugging, in the middle of the hallway?” spark asked

“Shut it, don’t ruin the moment “

“But I’m really hungry “spark answered

“Shut up spark “we all said laughing

“What? Is it gang up on spark day, come on you guys “

We broke the hug off still laughing; yes we are that type of a family, a family that would simple share a group hug without asking why, well unless spark is hungry apparently.

Hey guys, I know I know a depressing chapter, I just needed to introduce the incident somehow. So what do you think the incident is, or why did it happen? Well you will know eventually, yup I am evil like that. I am still not telling you mwahahahahahaha

Well please comment and vote if you like the story, and from this moment on the real action shall begin

Love you all

Sara <3

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