chapter 26

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Mr cookie :please vote for team s cause we entered the watty awards !

 Jack's picture------------------------------------------------------>

Sara pov (a/n that’s me people)

Jack was standing with a sickening smile on his face, it was cruel, a smile of a murderer. Storm took out her gun and so did Adam, pointing it at the gun-less jack , storm had a feeling he was up to something .

as if they were reading her mind , two men came  in the small room with her two brothers, Sam and Scott, they were holding guns to their heads, Scott and Sam seemed numb , they were not fighting , and seemed powerless, Storm believed they were under a drug.

“I would put those down if I were you “jack laughed as Adam and storm lowered their guns, it was impossible for them to risk Scott and Sam’s lives.

“UGH “Adam groaned as he fell to the ground, he touched his neck, there was a small needle, and he lost all feeling in his limbs.the only thought that ran into his mind was that Storm was alone in this now , and this scared the shit out of him .

“Storm, run!” he screamed, but deep inside he knew it was useless, she won’t leave them here.

storm ignored him , and she was just looking at her brothers then at jack, and back again , as if she was figuring something out . 

“Scott, are you OK “’ Nina said, with a scared voice.

“I am fine doing worry “  Scott was slowly getting back his power .

“So Emerald eyes , i thought you were more competition than this, with all the talk about how smart and Strong you are , apparently i gave you too much credit. “

“You know jack, you always underestimate me “as she finished her words all hell break loose.

The guys who were holding her brothers were shot by sky, the awesome sniper, jack’s eyes went wide in surprise, he didn’t expect that sky entered from the air conditioner pipes .seconds later an explosion could be heard.

“And that would be spark, getting rid of all you merchandise “Scott said happily.

“you ,how dare you “ jack wasn’t going to give up , he took out a gun out of nowhere , 2 seconds , in which 2 guns went off , 2 bullets reaching their destinations .

One of the guns was Adam’s who left himself up and shot jack right in the leg , causing him to fall to the floor.

But the second bullet was making it's way towards Storm ,  she closed her eyes , knowing there was noway she can avoid it , but then nothing.

as she slowly opened her eyes , she saw Scott standing in front of her , using his body as a shield , her eyes went wide in  disbelieve , he was standing there blood coming out of his stomach , she saw him as he fell to his knees , those agonising moments , passed slowly as storm left her arms as Scott fell forward into her arms. She wanted to scream bloody murder , but she couldn't , her voice was betraying her, as she weakly whispered “Scott? Can you hear me, if you dare to die on me, I will bring out of death and kill you myself , do you hear me?  “

 Scott chuckled slightly as blood kept coming out of his stomach. even with Storm's hands putting pressure on the wound. Nina came running to Scott's side as she held his hand tightly , her tears were coming fast down her cheeks.

“Sorry sis, but i am glad it's me and not you , we are even now“

“What the hell are you talking about? “ she said , as she was trying so hard not to cry and make him panic .

“You know that incident thingy “

“That’s stupid, you know it was my choice and mine alone “

‘But I am still your big brother “he turned around, to Nina’s crying face

“Nina , I really love you “ it was the first time he said those words to her , her heart was flying from happiness , but her beloved one was dying so sadness was greater .

“You know I will not say it back, till you are fine and alive, so you better not die “Scott smiled as his eyes closed slowly.

“’noooooooooooooo” Nina screamed , storm got up , everyone around her were crying , but her tears were not coming out , she took a gun she found on the floor , and went to were jack was lying

 Jack chuckled darkly " what now? you 're going to kill me ? "


"you don't have it in you storm "  sounds of police cars and an ambulance could be heard in the distance.Storm thought that prison is too kind for him , a place to sleep , three meals , it's too kind, as she raised her gun .

"Any last wishes?"

"Give me your best shot "

“You don’t deserve to live, you deserve to go to hell , and i will be sending you there“

She emptied the gun in his body , but he wasn't dead yet , he was dying slowly though , and that was what she was going for she wanted him to suffer , even though she didn't want to admit it , she felt happier with every scream of pain he made.but now she was numb , until Adam said 4 words , that held the hope of the universe in them , as she turned around in a full circle looking at him, he repeated what he said .

“Storm, there is still a pulse “Adam’s words brought her out of the blackness she felt, when she thought Scott was dead, storm prayed with all her might that her brother would survive this.


This is for you Sara, hope you get better.

Ok then I hope you liked it everyone, please leave a comment of a vote, and do you think I should kill Scott or not?? And next chapter will be about the incident.

One more thing, I started a new story, it is called the lady knight, and I hope you check it out!

Love you all Sara<3

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