Cookies, Lots of Em...

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-Later that night-

*B and Nick are snuggled into bed, B is still very much awake*

(Bailey) I can’t believe we are leaving for tour again in a month…

(Nick) Oh come on B…this tour is going to be so much fun…a bunch of the Camp Rock Cast will be along plus a couple other girl performers…it will be like a traveling slumber party all summer…plus if you convince Mom and Dad to hire Sam think of all the fun dates you can go on…

(Bailey) *twirls Nick’s dogtag around her finger* do you really think Mom and Dad would hire Sam?

(Nick) *shrugs* might actually make sense to give you something constructive to do during tour…

(Bailey) *giggles* that sounded so dirty…

(Nick) ew perv,…I just mean…maybe if you weren’t spending the whole tour missing Sam and being grumpy cause you can’t see him you might actually be a pleasant person to be around…

(Bailey) ya know…I should be highly offended by what you just said but it makes too much sense for me to get upset…

(Nick) so…yes, I think it’s a good possibility that they will hire Sam

(Bailey) Are you going be ok with Sam coming on tour? I mean, you and I kind of have the whole tour detox thing and I know how upset I felt when Izzy came on tour and I thought it would butt in on our time.

(Nick) We're growing up and I know that I'm not always going to be your favorite boy. But to answer your question, yes I'll be ok.

(Bailey) You will always be my favorite boy. I just don't want to flaunt me bringing Sam in your face when clearly Livie won't be able to come.

(Nick) yea…I wish, but tour isn't exactly the ideal place to raise a baby. I do worry about her not having a support system here when we are gone though…

(Bailey) what is the deal with her Dad? I mean he was always kinda distant and clueless but is he not helping out with Peanut at all?

(Nick) nope…according to Livie he has pretty much been nonexistent around the house…spending a lot of time at his girlfriend Brandy’s house…did you know she is getting a job?

(Bailey) *sits up* what??

(Nick) mmhmm… her Dad said that Peanut is not his responsibility and that if she is old enough to get knocked up she is old enough to get a job

(Bailey) what an asshole

(Nick) yup, she starts on Monday at Flower’s Grocery

(Bailey) what about Peanut?

(Nick) I think Mom has pretty much agreed to watch her until Livie can find a babysitter

(Bailey) So we're going to have a baby in the house starting Monday...Mom has caught the baby bug and is itchin' for grandbabies.

(Nick) *groans* well she is gunna have to wait a loooooong time . . . none of us are ready except maybe Kevin . . .

(Bailey) awww…little Kenielle babies…

(Nick) Speaking of Kevin, have you apologized to him yet?

(Bailey) *groans* No but he's never home so it’s not entirely my fault.. .

(Nick) So you've been avoiding the situation.

(Bailey) kinda, yea, BUT I have the perfect plan to make it up to him.

(Nick) so you plan to suck up to him and you want me to help…

(Bailey) I'm so glad we're twins…it saves so much time with you already being in my head…

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