dead to me

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"it'll be okay, Lydia." Stiles told her, stroking her strawberry blonde hair as he sat on the couch. she lay down with her head in his lap,"i won't let her get to you or us."
Lydia closed her eyes, she was relaxed,"you always say the right things, Stiles Stilinski."
and then there was a knock at the door,"what if it's her, Stiles," Lydia sat up in fear.
Stiles got up off the couch,"i'll get the door, you stay here."

it was only Scott McCall,"hey buddy!"
"we weren't expecting you, Scott!"
Scott said in a suddenly serious tone,"you never expect me, Stiles, but we really need to talk, and Lydia too."
"okay," Stiles directed him to the living room where Lydia sat and she smiled, realizing who it was,"what's up, Scott?"
Scott sighed,"i visited with Malia earlier. she hates Lydia," he said looking at Stiles.
she laughed,"we already know that, Scott."
Scott rolled his eyes,"obviously, but it's worse now. she wants you dead, Lydia."
Stiles grabbed Lydia's hand,"can you tell us anything else, did she say anything more?" Stiles said with growing fear.
"she didn't say much after that, she made me leave."
Lydia was speechless.
Stiles spoke for her,"thank you, Scott, for everything."
"yeah no problem, anything for my friends safety," and then he left the apartment.

Lydia started to choke on her tears.
"Lydia, don't cry," he stroked her face, looking into her eyes with utter sympathy.
"how did it come to this, Stiles?" Lydia tried wiping the tears from her face but her eyes just filled up again,"you're going to have to leave me."
"Lydia, what? why would i leave you?"
"for your safety."
"i'm not leaving you, and i won't ever leave you, i promise you that, Lydia Martin."

later that night Stiles was already in bed when Lydia got under the covers.
Stiles' eyes widened as he flinched and rubbed his forearm,"what do you have that's so cold?"
Lydia pulled a knife out from underneath the sheets,"sorry?"
"Malia won't even be able to kill you, you'd be dead because you're sleeping with a knife!"
Lydia narrowed her eyes,"not funny, Stiles."
"i'm sorry, baby, i know this is hard. but i've been thinking and i think i'm going to go talk to Malia tomorrow."
Lydia sat up,"no, no, no, you can't."
"why not?"
"actually, i just remembered, when you're determined, nothing can stop you. so go, just make sure Scott goes too, and be safe."
Stiles smiled,"you know me too well."

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