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Scott started to read and Allison fell to her knees in pain,"stop it, Scott! you love me!"
Lydia screamed,"Scott keep reading!"
once Scott was finished reading, Allison shriveled up and fell over.
Stiles turned his head away,"oh my god."
Lydia grabbed his shoulder,"help me burn her, please."
"anything for the girl i love."
the three of them watched Allison burn. their best friend from high school, Scott's lover. Lydia's best friend. Stiles' good friend. another member of the pack had turned on them. Scott, Lydia, and Stiles were the only ones left, the only ones who stayed sane. although Malia had obviously changed, Stiles and Lydia would probably never truly forgive her for all the pain she brought them. as they watched Allison burn, Stiles thought about his father and how much he missed him, and regretted not speaking to him. Lydia thought of her memories with Allison, Kira, and Malia. two of her best friends were dead and one tried to kill her, but she needed a friend, so she was thinking about forgiving Malia. Scott thought of Kira and how much he loved her, but maybe it was time to move on. maybe he would ask out Malia.
they stood up and walked out of the storage garage, the three of them got into Stiles' old, baby blue jeep named Roscoe and they rode home. it was silent but it wasn't awkward, it was a safe, happy, and comforting silence.

five months had passed. everything was back to normal, but better than normal. Scott and Malia had now been dating for four months. Lydia and Malia's friendship was growing but the pain was still there. and when it seemed like nothing better could happen, it still got better. Stiles and Lydia's wedding day had come.
Stiles woke up Lydia in excitement,"Lydia, guess what day it is!"
Lydia smiled,"it's the day i tell you that i'm pregnant!"
Stiles froze,"huh?"
Lydia grabbed his face and smushed it,"i'm pregnant, Stiles."
Stiles jumped up and down like a kid who just received candy,"i'm becoming a dad and a husband all on the same day!" he put his hands on her stomach, pulling her shirt up and kissed her stomach a bunch of times. then he pecked Lydia's lips a bunch of times,"life is so good!"

Stiles went over to Scott's house to get ready for the wedding while Lydia stayed home getting ready with her mother and Malia.
Stiles said as he was tying his tie,"Lydia told me something this morning."
"what'd she say, man?"
"that she's pregnant."
"are you excited?"
"i'm more than excited. today is going to be a glorious day."

after the ceremony, they all headed to the place where the reception was held. that's where Stiles and Lydia shared their first dance as a married couple. as they danced, they also talked.
"how many kids do you want, Stiles?"
"my life long dream is to have three."
"then that works out perfectly, Mrs. Stilinski."
"it's so satisfying to hear that."
"it's so satisfying to say that."

after the day was done, Stiles and Lydia went back to their apartment. Stiles laid in bed when Lydia entered the room. she held a note out to Stiles with a big smile plastered on her face.
Stiles opened the note and it read

dear my beloved husband,
we're actually married! i've waited for this moment for four years. i can't wait to spend the rest of my life on earth with you. you are my everything, Miecyzslaw Stilinski. i love you so much, i am willing to carry your... i mean our baby. it will be stressful, but it'll be worth it. our world may not be platonic anymore and let's hope for no more oranges.

love your wife,
Lydia Camille Grace Stilinski

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