be careful

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the next morning, Lydia woke up with no Stiles by her side. she immediately called him and he answered,"can't talk right now, i just got to Malia's place."
"be careful, Stiles. is Scott with you?"
"yes, don't worry baby, i love you."
"you've never told me you love me before."
"well i'm telling you now, i love you, Lydia."
"bye baby."
Stiles hung up and put his phone in his pocket. he knocked on the door with a sense of fear, mostly feared if she would do something to him or Scott. he couldn't handle if Scott got hurt, even if he is a werewolf and could heal very quickly, everyone has deep sympathy for their friends, especially their closest friends.

"Stiles?" Malia opened the door with wide, surprised eyes.
"Malia, i need to speak with you," Stiles said in an offaly serious tone. 
"sure, come in," she smiled. the smile she gave Stiles was a smile that he never wanted to see. he could see the passion and determination in her eyes. but what was she determined about?

Malia sat on the couch,"it's nice of you to visit me, what can i help you with?"
"i need you to stop stalking my girlfriend and i, please."
she sighed,"i need you, Stiles. i miss you."
"Malia, i need you to understand this. i say this with all sympathy and nothing against you, i don't want you anymore. i want Lydia."
she stood up and pointed to the door with tears in her eyes,"i need you to leave."
"Malia, wait–" "go!" she interrupted.

Scott roared,"Malia, stop."
the room went silent,"i'm sorry, Stiles. i didn't mean to snap," she blurted.
Stiles sighed,"it's okay. i just want you to back off of us a little bit. we will still be friends, i can promise you that."
"i don't believe you, Stiles. i know you're lying. you don't like me at all, in fact, you despise me for that death treat your silly little girlfriend, Lyds, received from me."
Stiles stuttered,"how—?"
before he could say more, Malia attacked him, scratching at his torso. Scott then attacked Malia, pushing her through a wall. Stiles lay on the ground, silently dealing with the excruciating pain Malia brought to him.
Scott picked up his best friend and carried him to the jeep,"it'll be okay, Stiles, you'll be okay."
Scott tied his t-shirt around Stiles to somewhat reduce the amount of blood releasing his body.

when they got to the hospital, Stiles was immediately set on a gurney and rushed into the back rooms.
Scott sat in the waiting room, waiting for Lydia to arrive and for the news about Stiles.
soon after, Lydia ran in breathing heavily with tears building up in her eyes,"what happened, Scott? where is he?"
Scott stood up from the waiting room chair and grabbed Lydia's shoulders,"i think he'll be okay, Lydia, he's strong, sit down."
a young male doctor came out to where Scott and Lydia were sitting,"we lost his pulse."

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