i love you

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"he's dead?" Lydia's words trembled as she felt her heart race faster.
the doctor looked at the floor,"i'm afraid so, i'm sorry."
Lydia yelled as she cried, tears now streaming down her face. her worst fear had come true once again; losing someone she loved. the pain was unimaginable to both her and Scott.

another doctor ran out to them with a smile on his face,"we got him back. he's okay."
Lydia and Scott's eyes widened as they glared at each other in confusion. Scott then answered,"what? he's alive?"
"yes, he's stable again. although the wounds are very deep and will take some time to heal. and may i ask, what did this to him?"
Scott answered before Lydia could,"an animal. we were walking in the woods when an animal attacked him."
the doctor said sympathetically,"what a shame."
Lydia yelled to get the attention of the doctor who was now walking away,"when can i see him?"
"are you family?"
"i'm one of the only people he has left."
"it'll be a few hours."
"okay, thank you," she said as she wiped her tears.

hours passed and they still couldn't see Stiles. knowing that he was in pain hurt Lydia even more than she already was emotionally damaged. Scott constantly tried to get Lydia's mind off things but nothing worked. it was like she couldn't shake Stiles or the feeling, which broke Scott in different directions.

later in the afternoon, around the time the sun was going down, Scott finally got tired of waiting so he left to go back home to his girlfriend Kira. Lydia stayed at the hospital. she sat right outside the room where Stiles was. her legs pressed up against her chest and her head rest on her knees. once in a while, a single tear would drop from one of her eyes. around 6pm, a doctor came and told Lydia it was okay to see Stiles. she walked slowly into the room to find Stiles wide eyed, smiling, and in his eyes, you could see pure contentment. a reaction Lydia never would have expected,"hey." she called out to him, walking to his bedside,"i was worried about you," she sat in a chair next to his bed.
"i know you were."
"how did you know?"
"i just know you, Lydia Martin."
"you seem happy, why?"
"i survived five deep gashes in my chest, i'm happy to be alive," he tried to move but gasped in pain, closing his eyes tight and clenching his fists.
"you're going to have to stay here a while."
"i know that, and i want you to go home."
"no way! i'm not leaving you, not again."
"do you think this is your fault? because it's definitely not."
"it is my fault, Stiles, i let you go to Malia's house even though it was super dangerous," She started to tear up once again,"i'm sorry, Stiles."
"don't do this to yourself."
she wiped her tears while fake smiling.
"stop it, Lydia, now come here." he patted a spot next to him on the bed. Lydia climbed onto it and laid with Stiles, her head resting on his shoulder,"so you really do love me, Stiles?"
"i do."
"i love you too."
"i like hearing that come out of your mouth."
"i like saying it. i love you." Lydia nuzzled up to him and soon sleep took over the both of them. it had been a long day.

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