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Stiles found Lydia in the bathroom, curled in a ball in the empty bathtub.
"Lydia, what's wrong?" Stiles crouched down to her level, right outside the bathtub.
"what if i can't get married to you."
"what do you mean?"
"we haven't even told our parents yet. i mean, i'm two months from turning twenty, what if my mom doesn't bless the marriage?" Lydia said with fear.
Stiles gently ran his fingers across her cheek,"you're mom is really nice and i think she really likes me. and if she knows that i'll take good care of you, she'll want this for us," then he got into the bathtub with her and turned the water on.
Lydia screamed,"Stiles! we have clothes on!"
Stiles laughed,"let go of all your fears, Lydia Camille Grace Martin-Stilinski! life is good!"
he then turned the shower head on, drenching the two of them in warm water. Lydia laughed while cupping her hands, watching the water rise in them. Stiles did the same, but then threw the water at Lydia's face.
Lydia wiped her eyes while laughing,"you should be glad i'm not wearing makeup or i'd be so mad at you right now."
he laughed while cupping his hands again, watching the water fall into them. as he was about to throw the water at her face again, Lydia hit his hands upward, making the water splash his own face,"Lydia!"
she felt successful,"gotcha!"
he said sarcastically,"ha ha ha, very funny."
she said proudly,"tell me i'm intelligent."
"you are very intelligent."
then he kissed his girl as the water fell on them.

two days later, they gathered Lydia's mother and Stiles' father for a talk. Lydia tried her best to hide her ring while Stiles explained.
"as you guys know, i was attacked by an animal a little over three months ago. in that time i was in the hospital, something unexpected happened. i was going to wait a little while longer but i just couldn't, it was just perfect timing. this thing i did, i know i should have come to the both of you first. i just want you to know that if you're going to punish me and Lydia, i don't want any burdens on Lydia's shoulders so if you're going to do something or punish someone, just please don't put it on Lydia, put it on me."
Lydia interrupted,"what he's trying to say is that he should have asked for you guys permission so he could ask me to marry him. i already said yes." she held up her hand, revealing the simple, yet elegant band.
Lydia's mother jumped from her seat,"oh my god! no way!" she grabbed Lydia's hand, pulling the ring off slowly. she looked at the ring and noticed the writing inside, she read,"Stiles and Lydia." her mother started to cry as Stiles' father gave Stiles the death stare. the room went silent when Lydia's mother knew what was happening.
Sheriff Stilinski got up from the chair,"be good to her, Stiles. i'm proud of you." he gave his son a genuine smile, a smile Stiles rarely ever saw from his dad which made Stiles feel really good. his father then gave him a big hug.

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