letting go

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a week later, Lydia was released from the hospital. they didn't blame the gun shot wound on Malia. they told the doctors that she was practicing and shooting a tree, it bounced off and went straight into her leg. Malia was the couples problem, no one else's. they visited Lydia's mother and told her the same story, they left and Lydia was heartbroken,"i hate lying to my mom."
they sat in the jeep in front of Kira and Scott's home,"i hate lying to my dad."
"what're we gonna do, Stiles Stilinski?"
"i don't know, Lyds, let's go talk to Scott."

Scott answered the door and hugged the both of them,"you guys okay?"
Lydia answered,"i was shot... by Malia."
Scott's jaw dropped,"oh god, come in."
when they sat down, Scott had a dying question on his mind,"how'd it happen?"
Lydia took a deep breath and told Scott the entire story. every detail she could remember.
"i'll go talk to her sometime this week," Scott said promisingly.
Lydia asked,"where's Kira?"
Scott and Stiles looked around and Scott answered,"she's had a cold, i'll go check on her."
Scott walked into the room, the window was wide open and he looked down, noticing his girl lying on the floor, no blood, but no pulse. just red and bruising lines around her neck. he fell to his knees and ran his hands through her black hair. tears filled his eyes as he yelled,"Stiles! Lydia! call 911, now!"
Lydia came into the room,"Stiles is calling," and then she realized the young woman, her best friend, she couldn't believe what she saw.
her mind was blank and she didn't know what to feel,"Scott?"
he looked up at Lydia, tears falling down his face,"i was gonna ask her to marry me, Lydia."
Lydia knelt down next to Scott and hugged him, her head buried in his chest, she was crying uncontrollably now. Lydia let go and looked at him,"how couldn't we hear her?"
Scott said with a broken up, teary voice,"i don't know, but i have a strong feeling it was Malia."
from the other room, they heard,"help!"
they stood up and ran to Stiles, he was hunched over, catching his breath. Lydia helped him stand upward,"what happened? what's wrong?"
he was in shock,"it was Allison, Allison was strangling me. it was her."
Lydia looked him in the eyes,"honey, that's not possible. she died four years ago. we had a funeral for her and everything."
Scott sighed,"maybe it was her spirit. maybe she killed Kira."
Lydia looked confused,"is that even possible?"
Scott shrugged his shoulders,"beats me, but i still think it's Malia."
Stiles corrected,"no, Scott. we just lost Kira. i know how much she meant to you. this case can be solved another day."
Scott started to cry again,"i can't risk the death of another person i love, I'm going to go talk to her." Stiles nodded, looking over at Lydia, realizing that he would do anything to keep her safe.

a week passed.
Kira's funeral had already happened. Scott was completely broken and lost. so he visited Malia, maybe she would kill Scott, he didn't care at this point. she opened the door and Scott growled,"you killed Kira."
Malia looked oblivious, she stood back, noticeably scared. Scott entered her house and pinned her against the wall,"admit it, you killed Kira. you strangled her! you strangled her because you couldn't get what you wanted! but guess what, you'll never get Stiles. he's in love with Lydia and i'm sure as hell that's not gonna change!"
Malia breathed heavily,"Scott...i didn't even know Kira died."
Scott looked into her eyes and could tell she was telling the truth. he let go of her,"i'm sorry. i really am."
"it's okay, i'm used to not having people like me, i have no one."
Scott said sympathetically,"you have to let go of Stiles, you have a whole life ahead of you. you can't waste it on someone you can't get."
Malia looked into his eyes, tears forming,"but if i let go of him, i'll have nothing."
"you'll have me, Malia, you've always stood by my side. so why shouldn't i stand by you?" Scott questioned.
Malia let out a short laugh,"probably because i attempted to kill your two best friends."
Scott smiled,"there's always forgiveness," and then unexpectedly, and uncalled for, Scott kissed her.
Malia backed away,"why'd you do that?"
he said, shocked over his own actions,"i needed to let go of the person i loved too. have you let go?"
Malia smiled,"i think i have."

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