exorcise her

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"you're not Lydia, who are you?"
"Allison," she used her mind and started to suffocate Stiles.
Scott charged into the room and growled.
Lydia let go of Stiles, he fell to the ground, catching his breath. Lydia's attention was now on Scott,"Scott Gregorio McCall, my first love, it's nice to see you again."
"Allison, what're you doing in Lydia's body?"
"what can i say? i've missed being in human form. i've been watching all of you these past four years and i just got tired of being good, ya know? so out of the blue, i came into your house and killed the girl you were going to propose to the next day. wasn't that right, Scotty? now you've fallen in love with your best friends stalker ex-girlfriend, Malia Elizabeth Tate," Lydia turned to Stiles,"bet you didn't see that coming, Stiles. i know all of your secrets too. you wanted to kill yourself because of your little affair with Malia three years ago. you hated yourself and you never told anyone, not even Lydia and once you told her, you stood at a bridge for an hour contemplating whether or not you should jump."
Stiles screamed,"shut up!"
Scott pinned her against the wall and looked into her eyes. Stiles cried,"Scott, don't hurt her, please Scott, don't."
Scott let go of her and backed away, surrendering,"i can't hurt Lydia, and i can't hurt you."
"that's perfect, now i can knock you boys out!"
the world went black.

Stiles woke up in a dark room, he tried to get up but his arms were tied to a chair. he yelled,"Scott!"
someone whispered back,"Stiles is that you?"
Stiles whispered,"Scott?"
the lights turned on, Scott looked around him,"i can't break free, there's mistletoe around me."
Stiles sighed,"we're in a storage garage."
"like where you rent a big ole box and dump your stuff in?"
"yes, Scott."
the door opened and two silhouettes appeared, walking towards them. when they stepped into the light, Scott and Stiles knew exactly who they were.
"how are there two of you?" Scott questioned.
Allison responded,"Lydia is just Lydia now, i'm just controlling her mind, and i'm Allison, they also call me the good spirit who turned bad, just like Satan."
Lydia got on Stiles' lap,"i missed you, baby."
"get off of me."
"but it's me, Stiles? don't you love me?"
"i love Lydia."
she pulled at his flannel, starting to unbutton it. she kissed Stiles and he kissed back. then, suddenly, Stiles bashed his head against Lydia's. she fell off of him and he shook his head in pain.
Allison stared at Stiles,"that's not a way to treat your fiancé is it? neither is cheating on her, poor girl."
Stiles screamed,"shut up!"
Scott looked at his best friend,"did you really cheat on her with Malia?"
Stiles said with a teary voice,"i'll explain later."
Lydia got up and kicked Allison, making her fall over,"god, my head hurts."
Stiles yelled,"Lydia, behind you!"
Lydia punched Allison in the eye, making her pass out. she ran to Stiles and Scott,"we have to exorcise her.
Stiles stopped her,"do you have any idea what's going on?"
Lydia narrowed her eyes,"yeah, she's a demon."
Scott took a breath,"she possessed you, Lydia. you tried to kill Stiles and then you took advantage of him just a few minutes ago."
Lydia looked at Stiles,"i didn't know, i'm sorry, Stiles."
Stiles nodded,"just untie me, you beautiful girl."
Stiles then stood up and grabbed Lydia's face,"i missed you, Lyds. i was worried sick. i don't know what i would've done if you died."
Lydia smiled,"i'm sorry, but can we save this really sweet moment for a different time because Allison could wake up any time and Scott needs to be untied."
Stiles laughed and broke the mistletoe barrier around Scott. Stiles untied Scott as Lydia drew a large symbol on the ground. Stiles looked closely at the symbol,"doesn't that thing trap demons?"
Lydia stood up,"yeah, now help me drag Allison in the center."
Stiles asked,"how do we get rid of her?"
Lydia cracked her knuckles,"Scott, when she wakes up, you're going to read this Latin exorcise thing and then after her spirit is sent to hell, we have to salt and burn the remains of her body."
Stiles raised an eyebrow,"so you're saying that once she's exorcised, she's going to shrivel up?"
Lydia nodded,"yeah, because her spirit restored her body."
Stiles stepped back,"dang."
Allison sat up and rubbed her head,"you guys really think that you can stop me?" she walked forward and then was pushed back, she looked down and noticed the trap,"well i guess Lydia paid attention in school."
Lydia laughed,"no, i paid attention while watching supernatural."

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