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a month passed and the couples only fear was Malia. she wasn't spotted anywhere since she visited them in the hospital, verbally harassing Stiles. she could show up at any time she wanted to. so they invited Scott and Kira to spend a couple of nights in their guest bedroom.

Stiles gently shook Lydia to wake her up around 6am,"good morning, princess!"
she looked at the clock and covered her head with the blanket,"why are you waking me up so early, Stiles?"
he smiled,"it's my girls twenty first birthday!"
he then turned on the bedroom light and a dreary groan came from Lydia,"Stiles! turn it off!" she whined.
"could you at least look at the room?"
she took the covers off her face, suddenly blinded by the light. once she got her vision back, she looked at the ceiling, it was covered in balloons,"oh my god, Stiles! how did you know i wanted this on my birthday?"
Stiles hid his hands behind his back,"i have my sources." then he brought his hands back to the front of his body, shoving a box in Lydia's face,"open it!"
she opened the gift quickly, revealing a beautiful necklace that read: forever
Lydia smiled,"i love it, Stiles, come here." she embraced him in a hug.
Stiles grabbed her hand,"let's go to the kitchen next."
Lydia's face lit up with excitement as she entered the kitchen. Scott and Kira sat at the table. it was covered with chocolate and fruit, more gifts for Lydia.
"the chocolate chip pancakes were made by your loving and show stopping fiancé."
Kira added,"and a little help from your best friend." Stiles and Kira both made cheesy, wide mouthed smiles.
Lydia sat down while Stiles hovered over her and dripped a quarter size amount of syrup on one pancake,"i know how you like it, after you drop the syrup you always smear it so it covers the entire pancake and then you lick the fork."
Lydia laughed,"you know me so well, Mieczy—"
"stop! don't say my name."
Scott and Lydia both yelled at the same time,"Miecyzslaw!" and then laughed hysterically.

after she finished eating, Lydia popped a chocolate in her mouth, very satisfied with how her morning was going. Stiles suggested,"come out to the jeep with me, darling?" Lydia whined,"but i don't wanna go out to that nasty, old jeep!"
Stiles said understandingly,"okay, you stay here i'll be back in two minutes tops."
Lydia was talking to Kira when Stiles walked through the door, only his head was visible, the giant, brown teddy bear he was carrying stunned Lydia,"is that for me?"
Stiles plopped it on the floor,"sure is!"
she smiled, hugging the bear that was more than half her size,"how did you know i wanted this?"
Stiles looked around the room slyly,"i have reliable sources."

after a day of junk food, an 80s movie marathon, and dancing to records, it was time to check in for the night. Lydia got in the bed next to Stiles,"thank you for such a great day. i loved it."
"i'm glad," he responded with a sleepy smile.
they were drifting off to sleep when the doorbell rang, Stiles got up,"i got it."

he opened the door, it was Malia. he then screamed,"Scott!" out of absolute fear. Stiles backed away from the door,"what do you want, Malia? why are you here? why are you doing this?"
she smiled,"i came to wish Lydia a happy birthday before it was too late."
Stiles' eyes widened,"no way."
Malia looked confused,"i just wanted to say happy birthday and wish you good luck on your engagement... it won't last so long anyways."
Stiles' eye narrowed in confusion,"how did you—?"
"don't ask how i know. i watch you guys sometimes. i'm leaving now, don't miss me too much, Mieczyslaw." she grabbed his face and kissed him, and then walked away.

he turned around to go back to the bedroom, finding Lydia standing in the hallway with her jaw dropped, tears filled her eyes,"what.."
Stiles reached out for her but she stepped back,"Lydia, baby, it wasn't what it looked like."
Lydia threw her ring on the floor,"you can explain in the morning, if you can anyway." she slammed the door to the bedroom, Stiles locked out.

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