Hey Jude

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"Lydia? Lydia, wake up."
she opened her eyes slowly,"what is it, Stiles?"
"go get a nurse, i'm bleeding."
Lydia shot up off the bed, noticing the blood seeping through his white shirt,"but you have stitches, Stiles, what's happening?"
"i don't know."

Lydia ran out of the room to find the nearest nurse, then she brought the nurse in to check out Stiles,"it looks like three of your stitches popped. i'll go get a doctor, we'll have to put you under sleeping gas." she then left the room.
Lydia grabbed her boyfriends hand,"it's okay, baby, it's okay."
Stiles groaned in pain as a doctor rushed in.

the rest of the night was blurry. Stiles woke up from the gas an hour after the small surgery. the sun had now risen and Lydia had only gotten three hours of sleep.
"hey you, Lydia."
she flickered her eyes open,"hey."
Stiles said happily,"you're cute."
Lydia smiled, still half asleep,"you're hot."

and then there was a knock on the hospital room door, it opened slowly, they were oblivious of who was on the other side. Lydia panicked and put her arms out to cover Stiles,"get out, you monster!"
"i'm no monster, i'm Malia."
Stiles sat up while groaning in pain,"Lydia."
"what, baby?"
"sit down, let's see what she wants." Lydia sat down but still in fear.
Malia relaxed,"you don't seem afraid, especially after i ripped your skin right off your body just a few days ago."
Stiles imagined the moment it happened and then closed his eyes while taking a deep breath.
Malia laughed devilishly,"must be pretty painful. it was pretty painful when you left me." she got close and caressed his lips with her index finger,"i'll get you back somehow."
Lydia stood up,"leave, Malia."
she then slowly exited the room, leaving Stiles with his heart beating so fast, he thought it might jump out of his body.

"you okay, Stiles?"
"i'll be fine, just don't leave me."
"i won't leave you, i promise, baby."

weeks passed and Stiles was still stuck in the hospital. he was able to take small walks around the halls now. every walk, Lydia would insist on holding his hand to keep him stable.
Stiles sat on the bed with his legs hanging over the side. Lydia smiled and shuffled through a duffle bag,"i brought you something."
"what is it?" Stiles questioned.
she pulled out a record player and then pulled out The Beatles: The Blue Album.
he immediately smiled,"oh wow this is awesome."
Lydia looked at the record, finding her favorite song. Hey Jude started to play,"you wanna dance, Stilinski?"
Stiles stood up carefully and grabbed Lydia's waist. she laid her head on his chest as they swayed in sync with the soothing music. Lydia started to hum the tune and Stiles smiled, obviously in love with the girl he was holding. she then looked into his eyes, the innocent and complete love was visible in her eyes. he looked down at her the same way she looked up at him. and that's when it hit them and they knew, they were in love.

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