ring necklace

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he picked the ring off of the floor. he got some string from the kitchen and made a necklace out of it, the ring acting as a charm. he left the apartment, knowing that he wouldn't be able to sleep after what had happened. he got into the jeep and drove off. he didn't know where he was going but he just needed to get away.

the next morning, Lydia woke up, Stiles wasn't by her side and she remembered what had happened the night before. she stomped out of the bedroom yelling,"you have some explaining to—" she then realized that Stiles wasn't on the couch.
Scott came out of the guest bedroom,"would you quit yelling!"
Lydia took a deep breath,"Stiles and I got into a fight last night, i'm sorry."
Scott widened his eyes,"so where is he?"
Lydia put her arms on her hips,"i don't know."
Scott proceeded,"ill call him."
she answered quickly,"no, i want to." Lydia got her phone out and called him, he answered,"Stiles? where are you?"
"i'm lying in the road."
"pondering life."
"Stiles get off the road."
"you wouldn't listen to me, Lydia."
"you hate me, don't you? but i did nothing wrong. she kissed me while i was off guard. i love you Lydia, that's why i asked you out of all people to marry me."
"Stiles i'm sorry. now get off the road, please."
"i'm right outside the apartment."

Lydia dropped her phone ran out the front door to find Stiles still laying in the road. she screamed,"Stiles get up!" she pulled at his arm.
Stiles tightened his eyes,"god, Lydia. be easy, i had a few drinks last night."
"you're not even twenty one!"
when Lydia got him out of the road, she slapped him,"why are you being like this?"
"you don't believe me, do you? you don't believe what i told you about Malia," he screamed,"she caught me off guard, Lydia!"
she yelled back, tears filling her eyes,"i do believe you, Stiles, i never stopped believing you!"
Stiles was speechless.
Lydia said quietly,"come on, let's go in the house."
he agreed, following her inside.

an hour passed when Lydia confronted Stiles,"when are we gonna talk about this, Stiles?"
"talk about what?" he was sitting at the dining room table with his phone in hand.
she sat next to him, taking his phone and turning it off,"we're engaged now. we can't just stop talking. we need to talk about where you went last night."
Stiles untied the string around his neck, taking off the ring and setting it on the table,"i wore this last night. i went out and drove about an hour away to a bar, they gave me a few drinks, they never asked for my ID. i drove back here around two am. i sat in the driveway staring at the house and into our window. i watched you cry, Lydia. you cried non stop for over two hours. i just wanted to come inside and give you a hug and tell you that i didn't kiss Malia. but i assumed you'd just yell at me again so i stayed away. around five am, i fell asleep, waking up around nine thirty, and then laid out in the street until ten when you came and got me."
Lydia sighed, grabbing the ring and read,"Stiles and Lydia." then returning it to where it belonged, on her finger,"i love you, Stiles, and i love your heart."
Stiles grabbed her hand and kissed it, then looked around confused,"where's Scott and Kira?"
she replied,"i asked them to leave. we need to figure out this Malia situation on our own."
Stiles smiled,"whatever you say, Lydia Martin."
she corrected,"Lydia Martin almost Stilinski."

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