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"Lydia, Lydia wake up."
"it's the middle of the night, what's wrong?"
"i had a dream, about Allison."
"so, what was it about, Stiles?"
"it was glimpses of who she killed. i saw Kira's death, and mine."
"what does this mean?"
"Allison's gonna kill me."

two days passed and nothing changed. life was normal, Scott was torn between the death of Kira and his and Malia's growing friendship. Stiles was torn between the wedding and his death. Lydia was torn the same way Stiles was. Scott was staying in Stiles and Lydia's apartment for a while because he couldn't deal with walking into his own house. every night after the three of them got home from work, they would try to find out things about calming or getting rid of evil spirits. Allison was Scott's first love, how could she be evil? it just didn't add up to Scott. most websites said to talk to the spirit. but how, doesn't that seem impossible?

a week after the night he had his death dream, Stiles got a call from the police department.
"hello, is the Miecyzslaw Stilinski?"
"this is him."
"your father has been strangled in his home this evening. would you mind coming down to the department to answer some questions?"
"my dad. he's dead?"
"i'm sorry for your loss, Mr. Stilinski."
he hung up the phone in shock, he didn't cry because it hadn't hit him that his father was actually dead.
"what's wrong, Stiles?"
"that was the police department, my dad is dead, strangled."
Lydia sat up and rubbed Stiles' back,"do you think it was—"
he looked down, closing his eyes,"i know it was Allison," he got out of bed,"they want me to go answer questions."
"you need me to go with you?"
"no, you sleep. i'll be back, i promise."

Stiles got to the police department and sat at a table, on the opposite side than the detective. "was he acting strange before he passed?"
"to be honest, i hadn't spoken to my father since i got engaged, which was over two months ago."
"do you have any ideas on who strangled him, Mr. Stilinski?"
"i sincerely don't."
"why haven't you spoken to your father?"
"i've been real busy with work and my fiancé."
"who's your fiancé?"
"Martin, Lydia."
"huh, that's funny. Natalie Martin and your father had been spotted together around here."
"i had no idea our parents were sneaking around. i would go talk to him right now if he were still alive."
"what would you say to him?"
"wow, good job, dad. you're dating my fiancé's mother. nice move."
"okay, i think that's all i need to know, thank you for seeing me so early."
Stiles shook the mans hand and walked out of the department, returning home to his girl.

Stiles sat in the driveway, letting everything that was building inside of him, go. he hit his head against the wheel and burst into tears; he couldn't control it. then there was a knock on the jeep window. he looked up, his eyes puffy and his cheeks covered in tears, it was Scott. he opened the door and climbed inside,"i heard you crying, i'm a werewolf ya know."
Stiles started to cry again,"i can't be strong anymore. i can't be strong for Lydia."
Scott looked at him,"you don't have to be strong for her, and she doesn't have to be strong for you. but you do have to protect each other, that's what's important."
Stiles pursed his lips,"she's never seen me cry."
Scott questioned,"how many times have you seen her cry?"
he looked down,"three times."
Scott smiled,"if you've seen her cry, what's the difference if you cry?"
the jeep went silent and then Scott spoke again,"go talk to Lydia, tell her everything you're feeling, she deserves it and so do you."
Stiles opened the jeep door,"thanks, Scott. i love you, buddy."
"i love you too, Stiles."

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