hey mom

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Stiles stood back away from the bed, Lydia sat up, waiting for Stiles to confess.

"i know the reason Malia is stalking us," he took a breath gathering the information he would tell her,"three years ago, after me and you started dating, i had a secret affair with Malia. it's taken me three years to tell you and i'm sorry. i'll never forgive myself."
Lydia looked him in the eyes, betrayal showing in hers,"why?"
he looked at the ground,"i don't know. i was young and stupid and i can't begin to tell you how sorry i am."
"we've been together so long and you just tell me? Stiles how could you? and you tell me while i'm laying in a hospital bed because the girl you had an affair with, shot me. that's not cool, Stiles."
Stiles watched blood drip onto the ground,"i can take the ring back, i'll understand."
Lydia smiled through the pain,"i can't just give up on us, Stiles. i love you more than myself and i've given everything i have to you. but right now, i don't know what to think. i just need some time."
Stiles sighed,"i'll come check on you in about two hours. i love you, Lydia. i just need you to realize that." after he said it, the door closed and he was gone. she was left in the quiet room all by herself.
she hadn't been really alone ever since her engagement to Stiles, which was over a month ago. she thought to herself, now that the room was completely silent. she never thought about breaking the engagement, that wasn't even a thought in her head. she loved Stiles, but she didn't know if she could trust him. in the middle of her thoughts, her phone vibrated on the table next to her, making her jump and come back to reality. it was her mother and she put it on speaker.
"hey mom."
"hey, Stiles came by just a few minutes ago and told me that you were in the hospital. are you okay, honey? do you need me to come there?"
"oh, no. it's not a big deal. did Stiles say anything else?"
"he kept it anonymous but he told me he did something bad and that he wants you in his life even after he did this bad thing. do you know anything about it?"
"yeah, we talked."
"are you two okay?"
"to be honest, mom, i don't know."
"well you just know, that boy really loves you. i could see it in his eyes. you could see his passion for you. keep that in mind, Lydia."
"thanks, mom, i love you."
"i love you, too, sweetie."
an hour and a half passed when Lydia's phone rang again. this time, it was Stiles. she answered and held the phone to her ear, looking down into the notebook she was writing in,"hey, Stiles, what's up."
"i'm outside your room, can i come in?"
he came through the door, shoving his phone in his pocket,"so, what's my punishment?"
she patted her notebook,"no punishment, just payment," she handed the book to Stiles. he flipped through the pages, with a confused expression, he looked up at Lydia,"what is all this?"
"i've been making that journal for three years. it's a whole bunch of wedding ideas and i just finished it."
"you still wanna get married after what i did to you?"
"i love you, Stiles, more than you think. nothing could change the way i feel about you."
he set the notebook on the side table and kissed her, a long, much needed kiss.

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