Chapter 2:

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• Eren's POV •

School ended pretty soon. It was constant staring at Levi while teachers talked, and for him, constant pencil in his hand doodling things on a piece of paper. It's so weird how I'd get caught and he doesn't.

"Armin!" I waved at him, running from a distance. "Guess what!"

"You got paired up with hot stuff?" Armin grinned. How'd he know?

"Uh yeah. How'd you know?"

"Everybody's practically drooling over it. 'Oh my gosh, two of the hottest boys at school!' It's annoying, seriously!"

"He's actually nice, if you think about it," I randomly said.

"Eren! Snap out of it!" Armin sighed. "I know Levi is like your dream boyfriend, but remember, it's Levi we're talking about."

I groan, slumping to the locker next to Armins. "You're right,"

My phone dinged, meaning a text message. I didn't care at first, but when I opened it, it was a phone number.

...: Meet me at the parking lot.

ErenSenpai: Who dis? Levi?

...: No. It's a toilet.

ErenSenpai: Ok. Coming!

First, change Levi's name. Wait, how the fuck did he get my number. Damn magician alright.

I said my goodbye to Armin, then left to the school parking lot. A lot people were there, mostly the jocks and cheerleaders. Seriously, if you're gonna make out, please do it inside the car!

I spot Levi. He was leaning on his car, looking at his phone. I walk over to him, his expressionless eyes, sending me a chill. "Let's go." He motioned me to hop inside his car. I went to the passenger seat, feeling the butt-warmer heating my ass.

"Damn, how did you get this much money for a car like this baby?"

Levi drove out the school, into the open road. "Who said I needed the money? I could've easily stolen it," a smirk appeared on his face.

"I want out!" I raise my hands in surrender. "No, seriously though."

"Perks of having a rich family, I guess." He didn't seem much happy about having a rich family.

"Rich?!" My jaw dropped. "I didn't know you were rich! I thought you lived in some sort of dump!"

"Oh, how thoughtful of you," he rolled his eyes.

"You're welcome Levi!" I grinned.

The rest of the car ride was quiet. I'd try to start a conversation, but Levi would always be like:

"Shut up, brat."


"Can you keep your mouth shut?"

His car stopped at a pair of black gates, then the gates surprisingly opened for him. "Welcome home, master." A voice on the radio said. "Who do you have there?"

"Just a random person Sebastian. Set my art room, yeah?"

"Yes master,"

Levi parked his car in this huge garage. There were a line of two black and red race cars, the middle one was for the car he was riding now. A jeep, Ferrari, Lamborghini, and two motorcycles were also in there. Fucking rich ass.

I hoped out the car, following Levi. I wanted to take the stairs, but Levi said no, it was to far up. Instead, we took the elevator. Once the door opened, revealed a fucking modern mansion. What the fuck!

"Levi, you're home!" Some girl said about to hug Levi, but spot me. "Who's your hottie friend here?"

"No one," he rolled his eyes. "He's only here for a project Ma. Leave us alone for a while."

"Ma?" I tilt my head.

Levi sighed. "Ma, this is Eren. Eren, this is my mom,"

"Hi," I waved, but stop as Levi gripped onto my hand.

"Sebastian!" Levi called out. His butler, I believe, shot out of no where. "Are my clothes in my room? I want to get change out of this stupid uniform, quickly."

"Ah, yes, master. How about your friend here? Does he need a pair of clothing?" He asked.

"Oh no tha-"

"Yes. Grab him something comfortable," Levi cut me off.

"Yes, master," Sebastian bowed, then made his way pass me, into some stairs which led down.

"If you'll excuse us, we're leaving now," Levi led me upstairs, passing doors into his room. It was clean and sparkly, talk about a clean freak.

"I need to get changed," he said, pushing me down onto his bed. "So wait here for your pair of clothing."

He walked to his desk, grabbing the pair of clothing Sebastian left out for him. He made his way to his bathroom, slamming the door shut.

His bedroom was two times bigger then mines. His house was ten times bigger then my house. Yet, he is twenty times smaller then me. At least I win something!

I sat there in a moment of silence, gazing at the art work framed on the wall. They were all penciled, so made me wondering if they were Levi's. The pictures were all natured type. Flowers, forest, birds, trees, etc. They had me at awe, I mean, I can't even draw a stick figure.

Levi came out, wearing some tan shorts and a navy blue, short sleeved shirt. "Take a picture, it'll last longer,"

I shook my head, then looked away from him. Blushing. My face was practically a blossom pink color, turning into a tomato red.

All of a sudden, I felt Levi's hands grip onto both of mines. "So you like it, huh?" He growled in my ears, taking both my hands behind my back.

"No," I shook my head.

"Why are you lying to me Eren?" I could feel him wrap something on my wrist. I turned around, observing him hand-cuffing my hands.

"W-what are you doing Levi?" I shook my hands, but Levi was finished hooking me already.

Levi pushed me down onto his bed, getting on top of me. His small legs between me. "You said you wanna do it with me, right?" He smirked, tracing his index finger on my chest.

"What?! I never said that!" I cried.

"I believe, the quote was: 'I wanna do it with you. I'm gonna feel very guilty if I let you do all the work'. Am I right, Eren?"

"I meant the project!" Out came a small moan from him tracing my chest. "Le-Levi..."

"Cute," he tilt his head.

Suddenly, there was a knock at his door. My heart skipped a beat for sure. Take the hand cuffs off me! Then came two more knocks.


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