Chapter 13

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* Levi's POV *

A couple days had past. Eren has came over once in a while, only to check on the painting only. After taking Eren home so late, I got a lecture from his parent's that I wasn't allowed to see him, so I stick to not seeing him... in person.

We'd FaceTime each other for hours until one of us falls asleep, usually Eren. We'd text each other for hours, making it feel as days passing by. This boy has probably stolen my heart. Already did.

As folding one of my black t-shirts, my cell phone had rung. I took my time getting it, since I did just mop the kitchen.

"Hello?" I mumbled, looking at my nails.

"Party at your house later!" Erwin screamed. "Only some people are coming! I got the beer and food, so it's okay!" Erwin was drunk, of course. He did not look like a high school student, he looked more like he's in his late twenties.

"The other time you said "some people" there were other twenty people in my house," I frowned, leaning back onto a wall.

"It's just gonna be me, Petra, Hanji, Jean, Marco, Berholdt, and Reiner!" In the background, something had spit, making Erwin say sorry. "You can invite your boyfriend if you want, doesn't matter!"

Should I invite Eren? What happens if Erwin were to harass Eren and I wasn't there to save the brat! Also, of course Erwin is gonna make everybody play "Seven Minutes in Heaven" and his way of playing is choosing someone to go with him first. I cannot trust Erwin, even though I knew him since the fifth grade.

I mumbled something, not even knowing what myself said. I hung up, placing my phone in the kitchen counter. "Cleaned the house for nothing," I roll my eyes, going back to the laundry room to fold my clothes.

Minutes had past and I had made up my mind, Eren is coming. Rules are, I have to stay side by side to Eren at ALL times. Make sure the brat doesn't take anything from Big Brows. Lastly, the best one, make sure to have sex with Eren. Hopefully.

DaddyLevi: Oi!

ErenSenpai: Yes?

DaddyLevi: Can you sneak out today?

ErenSenpai: Of course. Who do you think I am?

DaddyLevi: a dude who like this dude!

ErenSenpai: why'd you ask?

DaddyLevi: Because Erwin is throwing a party at my place. Not a lot of people!

ErenSenpai: Okay. What time?

DaddyLevi: 7?

ErenSenpai: Might come a little late though.

DaddyLevi: Alright. Bye brat

ErenSenpai: c u


Later, the three trio had came first. Erwin, Hanji, Petra. Erwin carried his four packs of beer, Hanji and Petra carried there homemade food.

"Are you sure it's just gonna be us?" I cocked a brow.

"What do you mean Levi? Everybody is coming," Petra informed. I glared at Erwin, he was trying to stop Petra from saying the sentence, but he couldn't.

"So, your boy toy coming?" Erwin changed the subject.

"He's not a boy toy. He is my boyfriend," I shot back. I love Eren and only him.

"Woah! Levi has his first boyfriend?!" Hanji shouted.

You surprised? I only sleep with people, never made a relationship with them. They think that after we slept together we're somehow dating. No, we aren't.

"Shut it,"

The house was packed in no time. My garage was full of cars, some ugly, some not even to my level, but cool. I was still waiting for Eren at the front door, but no show.

"Still waiting for your boy toy?" Erwin asked.

"Who's the drink for?" I asked, pointing to the other cup in his hand.

"For you. Drink up!" Erwin handed me it. I gulped down, throwing it away after. I waited for Eren, but was tired of waiting.

I saw a guy sitting alone, so I went over to him. He was good looking, what's happening to me? I can't stop walking towards him.

"Hey, anyone sitting here?" I asked. I don't know what was happening. Erwin.

"No, go ahead," he said. His voice was soothing, but I liked Eren's voice better.

"You single?"

"I could ask you the same," he smirked. "If I didn't know any better, you're trying to hit on me."

"Maybe. What's your name lovely?" Shut up and stop Levi! Stupid fucking Erwin. I will fucking kill him.

"Farlan. You?"

"Levi," I answered. Somehow we were way closer to each other now. Literally. I sat on his lap, kissing him. Tongues touching, mouth touching, skin touching. I need to stop!

We stopped for a split second, I turn to look at the door, Eren standing there. Tears in his eyes, Erwin whispering something in his ear. Erwin began dragging him towards a hall, where the guest bedrooms were.

"Levi? Something wrong?" Farlan asked.

I hopped off of him, following Erwin and Eren to the same hallway. Poof. They both were gone. All the guest doors were closed. I messed up. Erwin dies.

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