Chapter 3:

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• Eren's POV •

Levi wiped his nose with the back of his hand, then got off of me. He opened the door, revealing Sebastian.

"You playing your games with the guest, Levi?" I heard Sebastian, of course they were trying to whisper.

"Yes. Something the matter?" Levi tilt his head, but brushed it off and grabbed the clothes in Sebastian's hand's. "Make sure nobody comes inside my room."

Sebastian snickered lightly. "Isn't he gonna come?"

Levi smirked at his response. "Nice one Sebastian."

Levi closed the door, locking it. "Your clothes arrived," Levi laid them on the bed, then sat up on me again. "Oh dear, how are you suppose to dress looking like that?"

"I'm not gonna dress!" I protested.

"We're gonna be painting, Eren. You don't want your uniform to be dirty, don't you? "

Levi's small hand fell onto my chest.

"I wanna go home!" I yelled. "Sebastian! Help!"

Levi's right hand covered my mouth. "Shut up, you little brat," he started smirking, and got off me. He went to his closet, rummaging through it. He came out, holding three things out. A bottle of, what looks like, peppermint lube, a mouth gag, and...


Why the fuck does he have these things?!
Isn't he to young to even buy these things?!

"This should help," Levi walked towards me, grabbing my head. He put the mouth gag on me, tightening the straps so it wouldn't fall off. "Maybe if you're quiet, I'll forgive you."

Levi placed the lube and dildo on the bed side table, then crept up my leg. He spread my legs apart, him in between. His hands touched my dick.

I tried to close my legs in an instant, since no one ever touches there, but me. "No, no, no," Levi traced his index finger on my dick.

I moaned. "Ah... Le-Levi...!"

He unbutton my pants. "Don't worry little princess, I'm only gonna change you... From a virgin, to not a virgin," his expressionless face seemed to enjoy it. I mean, he's always cussing or talking shit, but right now, it had a different glow.

He slid my white jeans down, leaving me in my briefs. "Damn," Levi mumbled, then licked his lips.

"NOO!" I was gonna scream, but when I did, all that came out, was a muffled scream.

"You still want to be a virgin?" Levi asked, massaging the sides of my dick.

I nodded, rapidly and desperately.

"So sad, but, Eren, we never get what we want," Levi put both his hands under my shirt from my torso, then led it up, reaching over my nipples.

Levi went down, sucking on the hard-left nipple, the other was in his hands, playing around with it. He squeezed it, pulled it, crossed it, literally everything he could do! It left me to give out moans.

Levi lunged his face towards my ears. "I'll make you feel good," he said, in his husky tone. "If you moan for me, I'll consider letting you go."

The tone of his voice sent shivers down my body, towards my ERECTING MANHOOD?! Just from his voice, I'm already half-hard?! Ugh, if life could get any worse.

Oh wait. Levi started to lick me under my ear, leading it to my neck. He sucked and kissed on the wet spots he made, only making me turn on harder. I squirmed my leg, trying to massage my own dick with them. "My, my," Levi was looking at my hardness, making me blush. Don't look at it! "Just from me kissing you, you're already hard."

Levi went under my briefs, getting a hold of my erect manhood. I moaned. Damn, this felt fucking good.

"You're so lewd, Eren," Levi growled. "I'm gonna start calling you, Lewd-chan."

One of his hands, down massaging my dick, and one playing with my nipple, it felt like he was touching me everywhere. I felt so helpless. He was small, but he was stronger. Pff, and I thought bigger was better.

"Lewd-chan," Levi's husky voice came into view. "If you don't make any noise, I will stop."

Then stop.
No more!

I thought. Levi's hands crept to the entrance of my ass, making me whimper. "So innocent, aren't you lewd-chan? Yet, you're already this wet from me touching you."

He slid his middle finger in, going in and out of my body. The way his finger moved inside me was enough to make me moan. "Ugh... Ah...!" My eyes widen, feeling another finger go inside of me. I bit into the red ball, trying to muffle my moans.

"Ah, Lewd-chan, your ass is fucking sucking my fingers in. Just how horny are you?"

Another one of his fingers slid inside of me, and I started to shake my head desperately to stop.

That's when I realized, I'm just being played. My first, with a thug, a fuck boy, a player. Those words sounded so mean, but they were true. He fucks around with everybody, playing their goddamn emotions. I haven't even notice myself crying until Levi slid his fingers out.

"W-why are you crying?!" His eyes were wide open. He sat back, looking guilty.


"Oh, duh!" He took the gag off, making me cry even more. I plunge my face inside his pillow, soaking his pillow.

"O-Oi!" He stuttered. "Why are you crying?!"

"Because I'm just one of your toys! You don't care about my emotions, fact, you don't care about anyones emotion towards you. You think you can do anything you want to do to minors, like me, but guess what! I love you! But you're fucking playing me!"

'I Love You'
Why did I say that?
You idiot!

He undid the handcuffs, bringing me up to his face. "But who said I was playing you?"


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