Chapter 11

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* Eren's POV *

After Levi cheering me up by sprinkling some kisses on me, we went to the park. Surprisingly, there was no one there. It was deserted and had an eerie feeling.

"What are you? Scared?" Levi teased, walking in front of me.

"No!" I cross my arm. "I-I'm not scared!"

"Yeah right," Levi smirked. "Last one to the park is the bottom!" Levi ran ahead of me. He made it first, not surprised since he'd have a time of 6 minutes during the mile run.

"No fair!" I hyperventilated. "You're a good runner!"

"And you're a bad runner," Levi kissed my cheeks. "You're hot."

"I know I am," I flatter myself.

"Not that kind of hot. I mean your skin, you idiot,"

"I-I knew that," I blushed.

"How cute," Levi smiled. HOW ADORABLE! Oh my lord, I am gonna die.

"You should smile more, it's cute on you,"

"I only smile when I'm with you," he blushed slightly. "Let's go on the swings!"

What is he, a five year old?

"You love the swings, don't you?" I chuckled.

"Yeah. It feels like I'm flying. When I'm up high, I could smell the fresh air. I feel like a bird, if you know what I mean,"

"You should really get into poetry," I laughed. "You're so adorable. You know that, right?"

"You remind me everyday,"

We continued talking about ourselves. What we like, what we don't like, favorite movie, all kinds of things.

It started to sprinkle, small to bigger depths of rain. As the rain went harder, we didn't have enough time to head to the car. We went inside this fake cave where little kids played in and stayed there.

"It's cold," I said, cutting the awful silence between us.

"Yeah. I would give you my jacket, but I'm also cold,"

"You don't have to give it to me. I don't want you sick," I put my hands in front of me and shook them as a saying of no.

"Same here,"

"Hey," I said, looking at him in the bulls eye.


"You know I love you, right?" I smiled.

"You remind me everyday," he crawled closer to me, making himself wrap around me. "I love you, Eren."

I smile like a creep, but in the inside, I was bursting. My heart was racing faster and faster. I couldn't hold it, so I just lift his head up with my fingers and kissed him.

"That was... unexpected," Levi blushed. A string of saliva connected us, making both of us entwine again.

His tongue licked my bottom lip, making me open my mouth. Both of us licked each others tongue, only making me moan. He was on my lap, holding my face and continuing the kiss.

"It's public Eren," Levi whispered between kisses.

"B-but... I'm already..." we both look down to the crotch area, a bulge.

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