Chapter 14

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* Eren's POV *

What is this? Who is that? Everything was a blur because of the tears forming in my eye.


My tears are falling. They're racing one another, seeing who's gonna win. All I could do was stand there looking at Levi kissing another boy. I was... I was actually just his boy toy. How dare he?

"See," a deep voice said behind me, putting his hand on my shoulder, "now that is what you call unloyal, isn't it Eren?" I turned around. Erwin.

"N-no... he wouldn't... Levi wouldn't do that," I pushed Erwin away from me, but he grabbed my hand.

"Oh yes he would. You should ask him about his past. It's... revealing, I should say," Erwin tightened his grip, pulling me into a hallway. I was about to turn to look at Levi, but I was pulled to fast. Erwin had brought me into an empty room. All what filled it were a bed, desk and a rug. I sat on the bed while Erwin stood up. He had locked the door, crossing his arm. He stood at the door, making sure no one saw us. Technically, everybody was probably drunk by now, probably even Levi.

"So, are you sad?"

"I am crying, what do you think?!" I screamed.

"What did Levi see in you? You're loud, noisy, annoying, and not Levi's type. Now, Farlan over there, that is Levi's type," Erwin smirked, then sighed. "You should give Levi up, he's to bad for you while you're to much of a good boy. I suggest, only suggest Eren, to give Levi up." Erwin had banged me up on the wall, glaring at me. "If I had sex with you, told Levi, what would he say? What would he think?"

"You wouldn't dare!" I yelled. "Let go of me old man!" That didn't help, he banged me onto the wall once again.

"I am not an old man!" He yelled. "You are so irritating." Erwin bent down, kissing on my neck. It didn't feel right, it was to harsh. "Eh, what is this?" He pointed to Levi's mark.

"Levi," I answered plainly. He smirked, saying something under his breath I didn't understand. He bent down sucking on Levi's mark. "Let go!" I pushed Erwin and he fell onto the ground. It's my time, I ran to the door, grabbing the knob. Before I can unlock it, Erwin had risen and threw me onto the ground.

"I'll say, you're strong," Erwin glared at me, then sighed. "Totally not Levi's type."

"How do you know so much?" I sat on the ground, about to cry.

"Because I know Levi, we're childhood friends," he rolled his eyes. "So annoying." He grabbed me, banged me on the wall and slapped me. My face was numb and red, hurting like hell.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" I yelled. "Don't touch me! Don't talk to me! D-don't you dare even come near me!"

I heard a low growl from Erwin, my heart stopped. What's he planning? Before I know it, I was pushed on the bed. "You idiot! Don't talk to me like that!" He had block all passages. His grip was stronger. I'm scared.

"Stop it," I said, feeling tired. "Let me go!"

"Shut the hell up!" He slapped me once more, on the same cheek. He ripped my shirt, kissing my chest. It was rough, I didn't like it. It wasn't Levi, it was Erwin. Stop it.

A hand.
Slipped inside my jeans.

No. Stop it.

The button of my pants off, pulled half way down. Stop.


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