Chapter 16 (1)

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● Eren's POV ●

Okay guys, seriously, tell me why Levi is naked on my bed? Not fully naked, but he had his boxers on. I blushed fully, cuddling him.

"Don't squeeze me to hard, I might die you brat," he mumbled, scooting closer to me. I nuzzled myself to the nape of his neck, so warm.

"Levi, I'm scared,"

"Why?" He slowly opened his eyes.

"Well, first Erwin. I was touched by him. Second, you said you were capable of killing him, are you?"

He hesitated for a bit. "Yes," he said. "Yes, I am capable of killing that bastard."

"Have you ever killed anyone?" I was kind of scared of what he may answer. Yes, or no?

"No, but Erwin knows when he crossed the line. I snap easily, so he knows good," he turn over to me, putting his soft hands on my face. "I love you Eren, I don't wanna hurt you."

"I know you won't," I smiled, giving him a kiss." I snuggled him even more, sprinkling him with kisses. "Don't leave me, please?"

"Don't plan to, slave," he teased.

"You're nasty," I stuck my tongue out.

"Says the one who always has an erection after being kissed," he shot back.

"You got me there," I shrugged.

My phone began ringing, so I reached over and picked it up.

"Where are you?!" Armin's voice whispered.

"At home, why?"

"Long story short, Mikasa is mad and is on a rampage,"

I groaned. "Coming,"


Okay, you're mad at me, but next chapter or 16 (2) is gonna be way longer. I promise you. Sorry for my lateness, I'm on summer break so

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