Chapter 16 (2)

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● Eren's POV ●

I opened the door to Mikasa and Annie's dorm room and something flew pass me. Armin ran towards me, getting behind me.

"Mikasa is on a rampage!" He said cautiously.

"Why is that?" I raised a brow. Another item flew across the room, but this one was a lamp.

"This is becoming a mess," Levi put a hand on his temples. Mikasa came running, her eyes were red. When she saw me, her eyes went to her normal black color.

"Eren," her soft voice said. She walked towards me, hugging me. Levi had an irritated look, but knew I loved him so he wasn't that bothered by it. "Where have you been? I've been calling you."

"Really?" I cocked a brow. "Yours  never rung." I showed her my phone.

"Is that your boyfriend," she pointed at Levi. I nodded, holding his hand. "We should celebrate, pizza sound good?"

"Yes!" Me and Armin yelled. Mikasa and Levi scoffed, but Levi rolled his eyes after and Mikasa nodded.

We went to Homers Pizza, their pizza was delicious. Plus, I get to make my own pizza. Extra cheese, pepperoni, mushrooms, and of course, extra bell peppers.

Levi just got pepperoni and olives. Armin get everything on his, because he's a fat smartass. Mikasa got her normal pepperoni and meat. We were all normals here, even Levi.

"Hey Armin, give me a piece of yours," I nudged him.

"No way!" He yelled. He grabbed all four pieces of his pizza and licked them. "If you wanted it, could've made a piece of everything."

"Eren," Mikasa gave me half of her pizza. "Have half of mines." I grabbed it, stuffing my mouth. I looked at Levi, giving him a pleading look.

"Fuck off fat ass," he took a bite of his pizza. I pouted.

"Meany," I said to him.

"Horny," he smirked. I gasped, hitting him on the arm. Armin spat out his pizza he was chewing and Mikasa's eyes widened.

"You guys already went all the way?!" Armin yelled. People around us stared at us, but went back to eating. I shushed Armin. "Does... does your butthole hurt?"

"Yes. Yes it really hurts. You should try Levi, he pounds me real good. He broke my ass," I looked at Levi, smirking. "His dick is big, too. Damn, he shoved it in my butthole and started to fuck me."

Levi glared at me, slapping my mouth. "You got a death wish, don't yah?"

"My ass is wishing for it," I smirked.

Armin had heart eyes. "You guys are so cute," Armin squished his face with his hands.

"Can you guys..." Mikasa leaned in. "Kiss?"

I blushed, looking at Levi. He smirked.

"N-No!" I screamed. "No way in--" I turned to look at Levi, but he already smashed his lips onto mines.

Armin screamed, getting everyone to look at us. "Sorry," he snickered. "Did you do it all night?"


"Yes," Levi interjected. I looked at him, he smirked at me. "Today we are."

Armin grinned like a maniac. Mikasa tried calming him down. I just looked at Levi and he winked at me.

"You were commenting about my dick like you were horny," he scoffed. I blushed. "I'll do you till dawn." I slapped my hand on his mouth.

"Shh!" I whined. "Be quiet! Please!"

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