Chapter 4:

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• Eren's POV •

"What do you mean?" I mumbled.

Levi snap his head, trying to hide his face which was blushing. "You never know from the small hints, don't you?"

I cocked a brow. What'd he mean? I mean, yes I'm stupid, but how could I know something like this?!

Levi shrugged. "Just... just go get dressed in this," he shoved the clothes from the corner onto me. "We need to decided on what we're making."

He sat on his bed, shooing me away to his bathroom.

I stripped to my boxers, looking at myself in the mirror. The hair on top of my hair were sticking up, making it look messy. "Ugh!" I groan, shaking my head furiously.

My tear stained face looked so miserable. I looked as if I hadn't slept for days, ew! I looked like Levi! Well, I didn't, but I meant his dark circles.

I turned on the sink, turning on the cold water. I let the water sink my hand, then I grabbed  a handful of water. I splashed it on my face, but of course, that didn't work well so I just stuck my whole head inside the sink.

"Don't suffocate yourself, fucking dumbass," Levi's husky voice came in my ear. I snap my head over to him, he stood at the arch of the bathroom door, looking bored as hell. "Hurry up, I don't have all day."

I nodded, then started to dress myself. Sebastian gave me some shorts, the same one as Levi's, but in different color. He also gave me a plain white t-shirt, which was so comfortable. Weird thing? Both clothing fitted me.

"I-I'm dressed!" I announced.

"Finally," Levi groaned, getting off his bed. "And they said girls took forever to dress."

"I'm not a girl!" I protested. "Can we just get this over with?"

"Fine, fine."

Levi and Sebastian led me to a room of arts. There was already a blank canvas ready to be used. More art was planted on the walls, they were handmade art by yours truly, Levi.

"You may leave now," Levi motioned Sebastian.

"Yes master," Sebastian nodded and bow, then left the room. I stayed quiet as Levi rummage through some art things.

"So, what do you want to draw?" Levi broke the awkward silence.

"I don't know,"

Levi scoffed. "And I thought you were smart,"

"Me?!" I cocked a brow and threw my hands up. "Says the one who has better grades than me. And, says the one who doesn't get in trouble in reading time!"

"So, you are dumb,"

"Matter of fact, I am," I crossed my arms. After realizing what I said, I slam my hands on my mouth. "No! I'm smart! I'm not dumb!"

Levi rolled his eyes. "Shut up brat, you talk to much."

"Says the one who started the conversation," I pout.

"I'm trying to end it," Levi protested. "See, this is the reason I work alone on these types of project."

Levi grabbed a pencil, starting to sketch something out. From left to right and up and down, he kept drawing in silence.

I sat on the couch, watching him as he thought the process. He'd take a couple glances at me, but still drew.

"What are you drawing?!" I broke the silence.

"Shut up will yah?"

"Levi... what did you mean when you said you weren't playing me or whatever?" I mumbled.

"The past is the past. Yeah?" He shrugged, and continued to erase and sketch.

"So... you were lying?" I pout, raising my knees to my chest. "Am I really one of your play toy?" I could feel tears running down my face, but as I touched my warm face, nothing but my soft skin was felt.

Levi dropped his tools, walking over to me. "D-don't cry," He snap his head to the other direction, but knowingly I knew he was embarrassed. "It's weird seeing someone like you cry."

"Levi..." I mumbled.

"What?" Levi looked down at me, going down to my height.

"I want a hug..."


I know this chapter is short, but things aren't going as plan at my house. I might not update for a bit, so sorry.

I'll try updating as soon as possible though, but be warned, I won't be posting tomorrow. Unless you want small chapters, but sorry again for the lateness.

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