Chapter 5:

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• Eren's POV •

Levi took a moment, before bending on one knee and hugging me. His arms wrapped around me felt warm.

"Just a little longer Levi... please?"

"We still have to do the project," he mumbled

"We have tomorrow and the next and you know the next week,"

"You're adorable," Levi rested his head on the crook of my neck. "You know that right?"

"And you're sexy," I instantly blushed at my response.

"You don't have to remind me," Levi rolled his eyes playfully, before kissing my neck.

A small moan come out of my throat. "L-Levi... we can't," I mumbled, through all the pants I made.

"You're right," Levi stood up, rubbing the back of his neck. "Well, all I can do is sketch and make black and white paintings and drawings... um, do you know how to color?" He asked awkwardly.

"Y-yeah... Well, I'm not great-good, I don't even know how to contrast color. A-and what if mess the drawing up with my ugly colors--"

I was cut off by Levi's lip smashing into mines softly. "Well, that'll mean you come over more often, but don't worry I can teach you," His lip drained down to my neck, sucking on it softly.

"Levi!" I push him. "Oh... s-sorry!"

"Nah, it's fine. Seriously. I shouldn't be taking advantage of you like that," he shrugged.

"Wait, but you said you only knew how to make black and white drawings!"

"I've been drawing my whole life. If I didn't know how to color, I'd be dying by now," he turned his back to me, picking up his tools and continuing.

He kind of looked... mad. I don't know, but even though he had an expressionless face, his eyes just told it all.

I just sat on the couch looking at his tiny body work. Sometimes tilting his head, sometimes tapping his feet onto the tiled floor, or just moving his hand back and forth.

It was silent, so silent you could hear his pencil work.

I stood up, making Levi take a small glance at me before his eyes kind of widen when I hugged him. After his eyes softened, he hugged me back.


"Yes Eren?" He laid his chin onto my head.

"Kiss me again..."


Short chapter. Sorry again...

But I'm going to L.A. to go see my parent's, so I'll be writing on the plane.

Sorry again for the shortness of this chapter.

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