Chapter 7:

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• Eren's POV •

A smile never left. It only ever left when Levi dropped me off at my house.

"See you tomorrow?" I tilt my head.

"Sure," he nodded, giving me a quick peck on my cheeks.

"So... what are we?" I mumbled.

"A secret," he winked. "See you tomorrow... babe."


As I enter my house, my parent's were no where to be seen. I gave out a relief sigh, hurrying up to my room. I locked the door behind me, switching my lights on.


My parent's were right there. Sitting on my bed, of course anger filled their eyes.

"Mum, dad. You guys are still... up," I said innocently.

"Eren, you're home," mum mocked. "At 11 in the night."

"Where were you?" Dad asked, of course trying to not let anger fill him.

"At a friend's house doing a project," I shrugged.

"Then why are you home so late?" He interrogate. Mom sat on the bed, looking worried but pissed.

"I accidentally fell asleep," Of course that was a lie. I just wanted to spend time with quiet, dangerous, bad boy, delinquent, Levi.

"Accidentally?!" Dad yelled. "Why couldn't your 'friend' wake you up?!"

"He tried, but I was knocked out like a switch!" I answered. My heart was rapidly shaking.

"You disgraceful little brat!" He yelled. A stinging sensation formed my face, noticing he had slapped me.

"Y-you... did you just slap me?!" I shout, trying to keep my voice lower than a yell.

"What you gonna do about it boy?" He smirked, then shoved me onto my table.

I shoved my father back, then out my bedroom door. "You!" I point my index finger to my mom, who sat on my bed. "You get out also!"

"Eren," mom tried to apologize, but I stopped her mid sentence.

"No shut up!" I pushed her out my room. "I don't want to talk to you guys!" I slammed the door in front of her face, locking it also. I plopped onto my bed, eyeing my phone a couple inches above me. Levi. He was on my mind, so I just had to text him.

ErenSenpai: Hi...

ErenSenapai: Levi... are you there?

DaddyLevi: Yes Eren?

DaddyLevi: Something wrong?

ErenSenpai: Just scared and sad and mad, that's all...

DaddyLevi: Whatcha want meh to do?

ErenSenpai: I don't know, I just want you right here so I could hold you...

DaddyLevi: Thought you would never ask :/ I heard everything, by the way...

ErenSenpai: Are you in my closet?

DaddyLevi: Please, I would've jumped you right now!

DaddyLevi: Check your window

I stood up from my bed, going towards my window. Levi's small statue was at the bottom, waving at me. I shutter the window open, popping my head out.

"Levi, what are you doing here?" I whispered, but not so low. Just enough for him to hear.

"You said you wanted me here," he shrugged. "Well, I'm here aren't I?"

Tears formed from the corner of my eyes.

"Thank you... but you should go before my dad kills you,"

"Nu-uh," he shook his head. "Move out the window please?"

I nodded, stepping aside. He took some steps back, sprinting up against the wall. Somehow, his small figure jumped to my window. Actually, it was more like climbing.

"Surely I don't need help at all," he rolled his eyes, pulling himself up. I help him a little. Once he stood up, I gave him a full hug.

"A-are you crying?" He asked, cocking a brow.

"No. This is just water on my face," I shrugged.

"I heard everything Eren. Don't lie now,"

I narrow my eyes at him. "Then why ask in the first place,"

"Oh, so you don't want me to be nice? You just want me to come up here and say, 'oh look, my boyfriend is crying because his parent's.' Wah, wah, wah. Yeah right," he rolled his eyes, taking a seat on my bed.

"Hey, guess what?" I smiled cheekily.

"What's up?"

"You called me your boyfriend," I blushed, but still smiled.

"Creep," he lay on my bed, making a chance for me to lay on top of him. "Ah, you piece of rat shit, get off of me!"

"You say that, but you really don't want me to," I smirked.

"You know what I'm thinking of?" He asked calmly.

"What?" I tilt my head.

"Me spanking your cute ass, when you're fully naked, in my bed, with my dick up your ass," he smirked. I jumped off of him, giving him a disgusted look.

"Levi!" I playfully shoved him. "Is that what you really were thinking?" I asked curiously. It was hard to tell what he was thinking because of his expressionless face.

"Nope. Just wanted you off of me," he sat up, looking into my eyes. "I was thinking of this." He stood up, lifting my chin with his index and thumb. He leaned in, giving me a kiss. After ten seconds had passed, which felt like an eternity, he stepped back, smirking. "Just like how I imagined it."

"You're so cheesy!" I whispered-yell. "We have to be quiet so my parent's don't hear us."

"Please, try saying that when I'm gonna fuck you," he rolled his eyes once again. Damn, he rolls his eyes a ton!

"Puh-lease! I am not selling my body over to the devil!" I put my hands of my hips. "A short, hot, cute, adorable, sexy devil named, Levi."

"Hm," he cocked a brow. "Hot, cute, adorable, and sexy. That's how you describe me."

"I have way more descriptions about you! I could make a whole list. Fill three pages of blank lined paper, front and back. Try me,"

"Write it than," he smirked.

"N-no way! That's to much wok. And I'm lazy!"

"I thought we were gonna be quiet," he chuckled lightly. It sent shivers through me, making me shiver. "Oi, you okay?" Levi asked, touching my shoulder.

"Fine! So fine! Why wouldn't I be fine?"

"Okay, you're acting weird. I mean, you're weird in general, but not this weird!"

I turned to face Levi, looking a shamed of myself. "Levi," I pout.

"Yes?" He cocked a brow.

"I have a little problem," I point down to my waist, where a mountain was forming.

Oh god, this is... embarrassing!

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