Chapter 10:

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* Levi's POV *

Eren is very different. He didn't want me because of my looks, he didn't want me for sex, he loved me. He honestly is so perfect, even though I top, like always.

I fuck other people to get over my crush on Eren, it turned out so bad, I started jerking off with the picture of him on my phone.

"Levi!" Eren waved his hand in front of my face. "Are you there?" He squeezed my cheeks.

"Oi," I smacked his hand. "What do you want brat?"

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed," he giggled. "Anyways, are you gonna eat your pizza?" He pointed to the gooey, cheesy, pizza.

"No," I slid my plate across the table.

"Aw, thank you babe!" He smiled, then continued stuffing his face with pizza. I continued looking at him while he ate, but something caught my eyes. Entered the three musketeers, Erwin, Petra, Hanji.

"Ah!" Hanji pointed at me. "There's Levi!" She ran up to me.

"Oi, Levi," Erwin greeted, fist bumping me. Petra, on the other hand. Her huge boobs squished me half to death when she hugged me.

"You scared me when you didn't come home last night!" She checked all around me. "Are you okay? Anything happened to you?!"

"Oi, who's the kid?" Erwin asked, pointing to the little boy who had slowed down on his eating.

"That's Eren, my boyfriend," I said, proudly. A man should always be proud to have that special someone.

"Aw, he's cute!" Petra squeezed his cheeks tight. He looked like a neko for a second.

"Thanks," Eren mumbled.

"Hey, don't I have P.E. with you?!" Hanji blurt out.

"I think so," it's cute how Eren seems so confused.

Erwin, Petra, and Hanji decided to join us. Guess who had to pay. Me! I sat next to Petra and Erwin sat next to Eren. Hanji grabbed a chair and sat at the end of the table. I was quite jealous to see Erwin and Eren sit together, since it always ended up with Erwin stealing everyone away from me.

I kept a close watch on Erwin as he asked Eren all types of questions. It was flowing with silence.

"What are we gonna do after this?" Hanji asked.

"Shut it four eyes," I glared at her, then continued my stare at Erwin. Eren seemed jumpy and Erwin was smirking the whole time. "Me and Eren are leaving!" I announced.

"Already?" Erwin cocked a brow.

"But Levi, I didn't see you all day yesterday!" Petra whined.

"I just wanted free food," Hanji shrugged.

"No one cares four eyes!" I gently smacked her. "I planned something for Eren."

"Let us come with," Erwin looked at Eren. Eren's eyes were telling me to help him, I can read it.

"No!" I grabbed him by the collar, pushing him back. I grabbed Eren's hand, walking out with him.

"Did he do anything to you? That little bastard!" I was full with rage.

"He started touching me underneath," Eren admit. "You got me just in time."

I hugged the taller figure. "I'm sorry he did that," I closed my eyes, then sighed. "I notice because he sat way to close to you."

"Way to close!" Eren put his hand out, making a rainbow.

"Way to close, you're right," I kissed Eren. "If anything happens, make sure to tell me."

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