Chapter 9:

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• Eren's POV •

I woke up this morning to find a small figure in my bed. Some of the hair were sticking out and I smiled, knowing who it already is. I wrapped my arm around him, making him tense up, but scoot in closer.

"Morning," I whispered into his ear.

"Morning," He said back. He sounded tired, making me feel guilty about waking him up.

"Tired?" I questioned, giving him small neck kisses. He nodded, making a yawn at the end. "Wanna sleep?"

"Don't have to ask me twice," he shifted around for a bit, until meeting my face. "You're adorable in the morning, you know that?"

"You look dead in the morning, you know that?" I giggled, making him glare at me.

"I mean, I was trying to be nice to you, but I guess you could have sass," he started giving me kisses, until he came to the hickey he gave me.

I groaned. "I wish I could wake up every morning like this," I smiled down at him.

"Yeah," he nodded. "Now be quiet, I wanna sleep."

A smile appeared on my lips as I stared at the peaceful Levi sleeping on my arm. His warmth was all I had, no seriously, he took all the blanket. His amazing nature and sweet scent would always kick me in the face, it's kind of confusing hence we didn't even take a shower last night.

I turned around to look at my alarm clock, Saturday; 8:21. I look back at Levi, even with this much sleep, he still had them dark circles. "Stop staring at me you creep," Levi mumbled as his eyes flickered open.

"You knew?!" My eyed widened.

"No shit," he spat. "You're so easy to tell."

I frowned. "I would like if you not say that,"

Levi got off the bed, stretching his hands up and twisting it his body. "I can't keep my thoughts to myself though," he smirked.

"It's Saturday Levi," I looked at his well formed body. "What do you wanna do?"

He narrowed his eyes. "I mean, we can go shopping!" He said in a high, pitchy, girl voice. "We can go to the mall or even go to the beach and stalk hot guys."

I got out of bed, holding Levi tightly. "No! Only you're allowed to look at me! Me! M-E! Eren!"

Levi chuckled lightly, praising me. "Alright Eren," he kissed my forehead. "So, where do you wanna go?"

"Hm... I don't really know," I shrugged. "Anywhere with you."

"You're so cheesy,"

"That's me. Cheesy."

"My cheesy,"

"Hey!" I stomp on his foot. "You're cheesy, too!"

"You stomped on my foot and it didn't hurt. You're very weak,"

"I'm so weak you can bang me right now and break my ass that I'll need to get a new one,"

"Dirty," he poked my nose. "Very bad Eren."

"Oh! Levi I'm being a bad boy, now you have to punish me!" I joked. Oh, but that didn't stop him. He pushed me down onto my bed and hopped on me.

"Punish you?" Levi smirked. "I'll do loads than just punish you Eren."

"No! No! No! No!" I whined. "I was just kidding!"

"Shh. Your parent's might hear you,"

"I'm hungry," I mumbled.

"You wanna go out and get something to eat?" He asked.

"Yes please! But do you have money?"

"Yes," he nodded. "Pizza sound good?"


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Sorry for not posting for a while. I'm really busy with school and family. This chapter is short, like, really short, but this is like the beginning of the next part and everything.

Just wait for the next part. Bye!

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