Chapter 15

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* Eren's POV *


"What are you doing?!" It's... it's Levi!

"Levi!" I screamed out. My mouth was covered by Erwin's huge hands.

"What? I thought you said we can share each others toys," Erwin smirked. Levi gave Erwin a glare, a smug look, you know, let's just say he was on a grim reaper mode.

"When did I say that? Why would I say that?" He walked closer to us, grabbing Erwin by the shoulder and flipping him off of me. "You know I am capable of killing you Erwin, if you dare touch my things ever again, I promise I won't give in."

Levi glared at Erwin, then grabbed my hand. "Can you stand up?" He gave me a smile.

"Are you in your senses?" I said back.

"Let's talk about this outside," he pulled me into his arm, pushing me up front. "Also Erwin, Eren is not a toy. Dare say he's a toy, dare touch him with you filthy hands, I will cut those damn hands off of you. You dare torture Eren into having sex with you, dare rape him, I will you torture ten times harder. Got it?"

Sigh, isn't Levi just perfect?


We were outside of his house, the music still seemed to be next to my ears. How is nobody calling the police?

"Look Eren--"

"I don't want to hear it. You kissed someone else," I was really mad.

"Eren, it was unintentional! I swear. I would never lie to you Eren," he was close to bursting into tears.

"Why were you kissing that dude?" I crossed my arms in front of me, looking at him straight in the eye.

"It was all set up. Erwin set it up. Farlan was part of the set up. Erwin gave me th-this drink, of course it was drugged,"

Drugged? "How are you still walking? Minus that, how are you not having sex with that Farlan guy?"

"I can handle anything Erwin throws at me. One warning, never believe what Erwin says. Everything that comes out of his idiotic mouth are bunches of lies,"

"He said your past was revealing, what did he mean by that?"

"Fine, I was a 'playboy' you would say. I fucked around with a lot of people, I never stuck with one person. But, I changed when I met you! You gotta believe me Eren, please?"

"Erwin said I wasn't your 'type' but Farlan was your type, what did that mean?"

"You believed him?! I don't have a type. For god sake Eren, didn't you hear me, I slept with anyone who asked, I don't have a type!" He cracked, he's crying. "I'm sorry. I'm really sorry Eren. I shouldn't invited you. If you didn't come, you wouldn't of been in that situation."

I lunged at him, wrapping my arms around him. "I'm glad I came. If I didn't, you would've been having sex with that guy," I kissed his forehead. "I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry I couldn't control myself tonight," Levi looked up at me, my left cheek was still red. "What'd he do to you?!"

"He slapped me," I said. "It's okay Levi,  really. He's just a desperate fella, let him be. Just hurt him if he touches me."

"That's my boy," he was looking at my neck, his mark. "Stay still, I'll fix my mark." He stood on his tippy toes, sucking on the same spot. I missed his lips, I miss Levi.

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