Chapter 17

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* Eren's POV

Speaking of bull crap. Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night when it's actually, like, nine in the morning? Oh yeah, my situation is way worse. Put a bag over my head and make me think it's some kind of  febreze commercial.

I'm strapped on a chair and I am aware that I am fully naked since me and Levi did "grown up" things last night.

I shuffle around the chair, guys I can't just stand up since my hands are strapped onto the chair, also my feet were, too. If I say dating Levi never got us into anything bad, I'd be lying. Way lying.

There's the time it rained, but we had "make-up" sex. The time Erwin somewhat raped me. The time--

"Hey brat, we get it. Being with me got you into some trouble," he sighed. I look over to my left, trying to smell his presence. Well, I couldn't look since I had a bag over my head, you get it right?

"Your right babe. I'm on your right,"

"I knew that," I retorted.

"I'm sorry I got you into this mess," he sighed once more.

"Levi, if you continue to sigh, I will cut your tongue out of your mouth," I threaten.

"You wouldn't," he scoffed.

"Why wouldn't I?" I cocked a brow. Fuck this bag, I wanna see my naked candy man.

"Because you love this tongue," I could tell he smirked. I scoffed.

"That is true," I gave in.

We here a groan from the end of the room, making both of us, or at least me, turn to the corner. "You guys are so lovey-dovey!" An unknown voice said. [guys, I'm sorry, but this is gonna be my own character :/ Gomenasai].

"Adal," Levi rolled his eyes, I'm imagining. "When did you get back from Hell?"

"About a year ago," the voice said. All of a sudden, the bag that was put on me was removed. I looked down, okay it's really cold and I was actually naked.

"Can you put the bag back on me? It's cold and I am embarrassed,"

Adal was a good looking man, but he couldn't beat Levi. Adal had jet black, shoulder length hair. He was a tan color with baby blue eyes. And let me say something, his eyebrows were on FLEEK [BAHAHAHAHHA, Ronnie who uses that word anymore?! I do].

"Oh, he's pretty decent," he said.

"Decent?!" I yelled as he walked over to Levi who was so far away. He was probably four feet away. "Hey come back here! I am not decent!"

Adal turned to look at me, with a glare of course. It didn't scare me. Stay with Levi long enough, only his glares will scare you.

"Should I say ugly?"

"Ah, leave the kid alone Adal," Levi narrowed his eyes. All of a sudden Levi's legs crawled onto Adal's side. I look at Levi and he winked at me.

Thank god, he's only playing his seductive game.

Adal turn back to Levi, grabbing onto Levi's legs. Levi smirked, biting his lip slowly.

I gulped. 

Levi slowly gazed Adal from his bulge to his eyes. I tried to not look hurt, but I really was.

Calm down Eren, it's only the seductive game. Calm down.

Adal went in for the kiss, both making out with each other. I look at Levi, his eyes wide and looking at me. He's looking at me. Was he thinking that Adal was a replacement for me right now?

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