Chapter 6:

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• Levi's POV •

I looked down at Eren's child-like face, his teal-green eyes looking into my dull blue eyes. He let go of my small body, standing up, standing about 3-4 inches taller.

"Please?" He whined.

I'd admit, he's... adorable. Something drew me to him, I guess I'm in love? It was suppose to be Eren and Jean working on the project, but I made the teacher switch it to Eren and I.

I tip-toed, my hands on his waist, and he bent down like 2 centimeters so I can reach. I peck him on the lips, before turning around to continue.

Eren's arm wrapped around me, his head on the crook of neck. "You smell good, has anyone ever told you that?" He whispered, rubbing his right hand on my chest, and his left hand putting me in place so I don't run away.

"Yes, tons of people," I smirked.

Eren stood up, but continued his hand movements. "Hey! I wanna be that 'tons of people'!"

"Well, you're one of them,"

He took his hands off me, making them crossed in front of his chest. "I wanna be all of them,"

I grabbed his hands, laying them back onto my chest and hips. "Has anyone ever told you you're adorable?" I whispered, as he continued.

"Yes. You."

I nodded.

"And a lot of other people,"

"I know," I whispered. "Because you are."

"You're cheesy," Eren smiled. "I mean dreamy!"

"Don't have to remind me and I am really cheesy,"

Eren started pecking on my neck, leading them down and back up. He began licking and sucking, until he noticed a slightly red and pink mark on the crook. "What's that?" He asked, pointing to it.

I smiled, maybe the first time, but to him, I love smiling. "Your mark," I answered. "Can I give you one?"

"Uh... sure," he nodded, before taking a seat on the couch.

I hopped on top of him, chest up against chest. I laid my head on his neck, beginning to suck on a spot. Eren began whimpering.

I lift my head, looking at him and his expression. "Are you okay? Does it hurt?"

He shook his head. "No. It just felt... good," He blushed, his cheeks began to flutter pink.

I smirked, going to the same spot and sucking on it. Of course, when I was finished, it was dark red color.

"This is my mark. This means you're mine, I'm the king, you're the slave who works for me,"

Eren nodded. I was confused, usually when I said that to people, they'd freak out

"This mark," Eren pointed to his mark on me, "means I'm yours, you cannot replace me."

"Never thought about it, ever,"


Okay, so, long story short, my mind is very blank right now.

Next chapter might be long one to make it up for you, so comment down an idea for next chapter. If not, I'll make a random one up, so... yeah.


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