Chapter 15

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Blaise sat cross legged on the floor leaning against the far wall opposite her.  Such was his height that even seated as he was he was still on eye level with her.  Sara tried not to look at him, but it was impossible.  His beauty was dazzling even etched as it was with concern. 

 Her mind drifted to Jonathan the man she knew she loved with all her heart.  She realised she knew nothing of who he really was.  Even if this were some joke and Blaise was just a close relative in a very elaborate costume, Jonathan had to be in on it all. 

 Thomas had drawn his breath to speak, but Sara interrupted him.

 "I need to know one thing before you start."  she looked straight at Blaise, "are you Jonathan?"

 His silver eyes dropped, anguish crossed his face. 

 "Yes." was all he said.

 She let out a short breath

 "Ok, moving on.  Sorry Thomas, I interrupted you."  As she turned away from Blaise, she saw the impact of her words as she dismissed him completely.

 Thomas broke the silence "Sara I am sorry this is such a shock for you it was never meant to be this way.  All I can do is explain what has happened and hope that you will believe in us for it is a grave and deadly time for us all." 

 Thomas stood as he spoke and paced backwards and forwards in front of the wood burner.  "The hour grows late so I must talk quickly, please believe in what I say and will you ask your questions at the end"

 She sighed "I will try to listen and keep quiet, but this really had better be good or I will leave and you wont stop me."

 Thomas drew in a deep breath as he started.

 “You have seen many strange things in the last few weeks.  Things that should have been easier for you to understand but a trust in a dark ones promise is a fool’s mistake to make.”  The old man sighed wearily “It was my mistake and for that I am truly sorry.”

 He walked over towards her and knelt down.

 “All that can be done now is to trust in your nature and hope that all is not lost.”  With this statement, he reached forward and took her hand.  Sara flinched from the old man but stayed where she was.  With his other hand he gently lifted the necklace away from the skin of her neck so that the pendant nestled in his palm.

 Sara gasped as Blaise shimmered and turned back into Jonathan.  He wore the same clothes he had been wearing that morning.  He sat cross legged opposite her his eyes pleading with her. 

 “Please I don’t understand any of this. Who are you?”  The question was aimed at all of them.  She jumped to her feet and backed away, as she did the pendant dropped from Thomas’s fingers and settled again at her neck.  Jonathan shimmered slightly as he grew until Blaise was seated in his place again.

 Blaise jumped to his feet but approached her slowly, his palms raised to show he meant no harm to her.   Again his huge size struck her he towered over her and dominated the small cottage.  “Please Sara just listen, you will come to no harm here.  The only way now is to try and show you so you believe at least.” 

 Her eyes were huge and filling with tears.

 Thomas stepped forward and placed his hand on Blaise’s shoulder softly pulling him back.  With a sigh Blaise headed to the sofa next to Martha and sat down utterly dwarfing the small woman.

“My name is Thomas Morton I am as you see me now an elderly man with my wife Martha, but none of us are from the Realm of Men or this world as you know it.  We are all descended from magical lineage from our world of Arantor.” 

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