Chapter 36

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From where they were perched high in the wood they watched the Har’oloth pour back in from the western flank.  They flooded the forest floor like a swamp.  Through the main glade gate they came, cats, goblins and Guruthossath, massive men like creatures that were completely featureless but held flaming whips and chains that scored the wood where they touched.  The foul stench of them flooded the woodland, wiping out the natural scent of autumn.

Dorowin and Grendor moved easily through the thick branches, Blaise however, with his massive size found it awkward to move even with all his natural grace.  She watched his sword get tangled many times but he would pause and untangle it without causing the slightest rustle.  Holding Linwe’s bow in front of her made it easier for her to move silently such was its length.

They had crossed nearly half the wood towards the eastern side without being seen.  The foul creatures below scoured the wood for traces of them.  Bog walkers skimmed over the ground looking forward to the kill but the Dawmëoi crept forward like a wave of silent death.

As they reached the far eastern side they were clear all they needed was to cross the small paddock in front of the church.  It may as well been a hundred miles away.  The floor of the wood teemed with all manner of evil, it packed the glade trying to block any attempt to get to the church.  The second they made their run they would be swamped.  They could not even wait it out as soon as night fell their keen eyesight would spot them instantly.

Blaise turned to the dwarves and spoke in a voice so low a mortal would not even hear a whisper.

“Get the Princes to the tree.  Farewell my friends.”

He turned towards her his silver eyes full of pain, “You promised me Sara, get to the tree, I will love you forever.”  With that he dropped from the tree his sword already a blur of silver.  Cats and goblins fell before he even landed.  Instantly his massive frame was swamped.  The cat’s metallic teeth screeched across the chain mail of his armor.

Tears streamed from her eyes as she followed the dwarves down.  They descended from the tree at a suicidal speed landing in the field at full run.  Looking back she could see Blaise was surrounded but nothing was getting close to him any more.  His massive frame moved with lightning grace destroying anything that came towards him.  The goblins had turned and run back to the wood but the mighty Guruthossath lashed with their whips and chains from a safe distance.  They caused more damage to the cats than Blaise as they lashed wildly he could easily sidestep the blazing chains.  The only time his guard dropped was if something tried to flank him to pursue the others.  Blow after blow he took until the threat was destroyed. 

All were falling beneath his blade as he slowly moved backwards towards her.  Hope flared in her chest he had almost fought clear.  She turned back and ran for the tree.  She could hear the battle behind her reaching fever pitch.  Her heart was hammering praying for the man she loved.  The dwarves had reached the tree and had wrenched the door open a white mist swirled up like the black mist she had seen bring the Agar’ksh.  Throwing themselves inside the dwarves held the door for her gesturing wildly for her to get in.

At that moment a shattering roar reached her ears and the sound of battle ceased, she froze.  Her heart stopped in her chest, she had thought he was right behind her.

“Go through now, I order it.”  Her voice was so low that it left no room for disobedience.

Turning to run not waiting for the dwarves to reply she pulled her cloak tight around herself and ran for the wood.

As she approached unseen by the screen of the trees she could see Har’oloth bodies littered the floor where Blaise had been.  Only a couple of cats remained still standing, but they had waited too long. 

She could see Blaise on his knees.  The Draug stood behind him holding his arms back at a torturous angle behind him.  Its knee was braced into Blaise’s back pulling his arms tight relishing in the pain.  Blaise's head was down his hair hanging forward over his face.  Blood poured down Blaise side from an unseen wound under his armor.  As she watched the Draug flexed to deliver the fatal blow.  Roaring with his delight.

“Wait!” she screamed her voice husky with fear.

Blaise’s head lifted and looked at the cloaked figure that walked forward into the wood, anguish and grief played across his beautiful face.

“Sara no!  You swore to me.”  The heartbreak in his voice ripped at her heart.

A black mist swirled around her until the scarlet eyes formed in front of her and Agar’ksh appeared fully snarling with delight.  With the speed of light, the Halfling had her by the throat slamming her back into a massive oak tree trunk. Its claws dug into the skin of her neck letting blood flow.  As the Agar’ksh leaned forward towards her face, delight showed in those lethal eyes.  The joy of the kill and flow of blood was all it needed. All she could do was to grip the creature’s shoulders and try to push it away from her.

“No!” Blaise screamed, fighting to be free of Draug, who dragged his arms back even further.  She could see the muscles and tendons of Blasé's arms straining not to be rippped from their sockets. 

“How the mighty Blaise of the Hîr Ohtacáro has fallen.  Not only have you lost but to have lost the daughter of Volantor.”  Evil laughter ripped through Draug. ” I might even let you live so you can feel the shame for all eternity, but at the very least we will let you watch her death.”

Sara watched the anguish play across Blaise’s silver eyes. “Let her live. Win this fairly, if only for your own pride.”

Agar’ksh looked round at Blaise and laughed an evil laugh of contempt.  “Why do we need pride when we will have the Realm of Man and you both dead?  Not to mention we will hunt down the wizard and those dwarves.  We might even catch those horses you love so much.  I am sure with a bit of brutal persuasion they will learn some respect for their new owners.” 

Agar’ksh had a look of pure hatred as it looked back at its captive, it snarled curling its lips back from the deadly fangs.

“It is so nice to finally meet you Sara, I don’t think we have been properly introduced.  Such a shame to have to kill you as a mortal. Though I am sure I will still go down in Arantor legend either way.” The snarling but beautiful face was inches from hers.  The scarlet eyes dripped hatred the lips drawn back in a smile of death.

Shoving with her hands on the creatures shoulders in a desperate attempt to keep it from her throat she could tell it was only toying with her.  The Halfling could shove her through the trunk of this tree if she wanted to.

As she waited for the final death blow a flicker of movement caught the corner of her eye, a flash of blackness between the trees. Keeping her eyes locked with Agar’ksh her eyes never moved from the creature but she pushed harder on its shoulders trying to push away a feeble attempt that the Halfling just leaned into a grinned.

“Oh well I guess you die as the feeble mortal I always took you for” it sneered at her, increasing its forwards pressure on her hands.

“You arrogance will always be your downfall, you are Halfbreed scum that is not fit to rule your own lands let alone the realm of man.” Her voice was calm and clear,  Agar’ksh screamed with rage and flew towards her throat teeth barred.

With that, she smiled and let go of the creature’s shoulders letting its momentum carry its face towards her. Her hand circled behind its neck to bring its head forward even faster towards her, as she did she ducked out from underneath the creatures grip forcing its head to slam into the trunk with all the force she had.

The audible crunch of bone breaking was followed by the scream of pain and anger.  As the creature staggered backwards her hands gripped the trunk of the tree behind her as she brought both her knees up and kicked the Halfling in the stomach as hard as she could sending it flying backwards a gout of blood flying from it nose.  As her feet dropped down she had already drawn the bow and arrow from behind her,

Linwe’s bow locked into her hand with all the ease that is ever had as her fingers enclosed the nocked arrow she pulled the bowstring with all the power she had.  Bringing the bow round in a smooth arc that took only a fraction of a second she fired the arrow piercing the Draug’s temple and sending him flying back into the trees.

Grabbing Blaise she hauled him to his feet knowing none of the injuries she had inflicted had been fatal she turned to run for the paddock.  Dorowin flew passed her at her head height and landed with his sword impaled up to the hilt in the skull of the cat that had launched at Blaise.  Wrenching his blade free he turned to run with them,
Blaise’s voice sounded beside her “You swore to me you would never turn back.” His voice sounded angry.

“No, I didn’t.” She shoved the hood back letting the sun gleam off her lilac hair the silver highlights catching the sunlight with no trace of blonde. “Sara did.” 

“Linwe.”  It was a chocked sob from Blaise.

They reached the churchyard and saw Gararran standing at the door to the yew.  The four of them launched through it and into the swirling white mist.

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