Run From South Park

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In the blackness of the unlit mansion, Agar’ksh paced backwards and forwards, impatience twisting her perfect but malevolent features.  The slow build up of magical energy that was required for this spell was tortuously slow.

 “Can this not be done faster?”  Her impatience spilled over making her forget who she was speaking to. 

 Gûldúath barely glanced in her direction.  His concentration was held by the swirling column of fire that twisted up from the wooden table in front of him.  The vile clouded flames glowed dark green in colour with sparks of blood red that flickered up towards the ceiling.

 “The Old Magic is taking its time to awaken again, but maybe the spilling of vampire blood will speed it up.”  Turning his head slowly towards her she saw the threat in his black eyes.  She had seen too many of the Har’oloth displease him in the past and be shredded by just a click of the sorcerer’s fingers.

 The power he was summoning was immense.  Its black force filled the mansion with its poison.  Her scarlet eyes flashed at the house’s owners who were bound and thrown into a corner of the room.  As the blackness curled around them she could see their terrified eyes widen first with fear then with pain, screams were muffled by the gags in their mouths as their bodies scorched, withered and then dissolved.

 A crackling noise, feint at first, drew her attention back to the column.  As they watched the tiniest cracks started to appear in the small stone that supported the putrid flames.

 “Get your forces ready.”  The sorcerer spat at her his eyes never leaving the table, and dismissed her with a wave of his hand. 

 His mouth began to move, repeating the castings of evil magic.  So foul were the words that the very air he spoke turned to a blackened fog that poured from his mouth.

 Beneath the column was a perfect replica of the Wizard Stone that protected South Park.

 * * *

 Blaise shook her awake hard.  Shaking her sleep fuzzy head she dragged her senses back together.  She could see it was still pitch black outside, glancing at her watch she was shocked it was only three in the morning.

 “What? What’s happening?”  As her eyes started to focus she could see he was already dressed and clearly worried.  His sword was strapped to his back and cape clasped at his throat.

 “We have to leave, now!”  He pulled her up and out of bed then shot to the dresser and pulled out clothes for her.

 “Why? What do you mean leave? What about the change?”  She stumbled into her clothes, a tonne of questions spiralling through her mind but she knew he would not do this without good reason so she wasted no time following his instructions.

 His hands raked through his hair making it sparkle in the lamplight.  “Thomas has been injured.  The Black Sorcerer has tried to destroy the Wizards Stone, hurry up we don’t have long.”  She could clearly hear the urgency in his voice and fully dressed now she followed him downstairs at the run.

 “Is Thomas ok?”

 “He will be, Dorowin has sent him to Arantor.  He felt the Stone start to fracture and he tried to counter the black magic.  He has managed to keep some of the estate’s shield intact but it is failing.  The magic was too powerful for him with the Wizard Stone damaged and he has been wounded.”  They were running for the stables now in the bright moonlight.  Blaise’s cape swirled out behind him, she was at a full run just to keep up with him.

 Fear flickered through Sara like a shiver.  “My parents?” was all she could manage.

 “He held the shield long enough for Dorowin to send them to En’Quessir with Martha.  They are safe I swear it to you, my men will guard them like royalty.”

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2014 ⏰

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