Chapter 18

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An amiable feeling grew between them as they sat to eat.  Sara’s eyes were drawn to Blaise.  He spoke animatedly to both Thomas and Matha.  Many times Sara did not understand what he was speaking of but throughout the meal she had felt included. 

 His eyes would search for hers and hold them in a way that was spellbinding.  She had lost her fear of looking at this shatteringly beautiful creature.  If, he truly believed she was Linwe then at least he hadn't hurt her out of spite or carelessness.  The whole situation was a mess, and she could see no way to resolve it, but at least she felt a little less hurt by him

 She now just felt a need to be near him and to see if they could talk this through.  A thousand questions raged through her, but she could not bring them all forward into coherent sentences.  One question, however, burned.

 “If I am Linwe why did I not awaken like you both did?”  Thomas visibly stiffened at the question his fork stilled halfway to his mouth.

 “Let me answer this one my friend” Blaise rested his hand gently on Thomas’s shoulder.  His wind chime voice warmed Sara’s jangling nerves.  She knew this was a sore subject.

 His glorious eyes held Sara’s in a way that stopped her heart. 

 “The magic that was required to bind the Vow nearly killed it’s constructors, such was the power needed.  It was called from all across Arantor.  From the sides of dark and light they came.  Those with weaker and more subtle power used theirs to sustain the masters of the high arts.  By the time it was done no magic in our world or beyond could destroy it or bend it to their will.  The laws put in place were bound forever and could never be broken.”

 “ The Envoys would be born to their protectors in the Realm of Man and would live their lives through to death, only to be reborn to new protectors.  As Thomas said, the protectors were not magical folk, you would see them as spiritualists.  They were versed in the ways of mythology and mystical arts such as Wicca.  Although these tendencies were never to be made obvious, they were practiced in the seclusion of their own homes, a secret, even from their closest family.”

 “When the time was nearing for them to receive the gift of an Envoy a messenger would come to them and over the weeks teach them their role as protector.”  A fond smile crossed Blaise’s face.  “The protector’s job was to keep a flicker of the Envoy’s magic alive in them so it would be carried throughout the ages.  They would read old stories of Arantor while the envoy was a young child, their imaginations would feed the magic inside them.  There were tonics that were given that sustained the magic into adulthood, where although completely dormant, the magic would thrive inside them ready for the day of awakening.”

 “When the Envoys mortal bodies passed away their spirit would float for a day before being reborn to their new protector.  In that time their magic could rebuild and restore, ready for their return to the mortal world.”

 “Unbreakable magic was put in place that meant no Envoy could be harmed in any way during their time as a mortal.  Their identities were kept a complete secret from all apart from the messengers.  As the time grew nearer to the Awakening, Thomas was awoken first so he could become skilled again in his high arts.  He locked himself away in his studies pulling all the powers back to himself that would be so desperately needed in the trials to come.  So much power was drawing back to him that for anyone with the eyes to see could easily see where Gararran was.”  Blaise looked kindly at the old man who now looked drawn and very old again.

 “The time was drawing near to my Awakening.  Gararran called for Turaithil and two of my captains to be brought to him in readiness for me.  As evil fate would have it, the messenger bird he used to send word was spotted by Agar'ksh, who had also been awoken and was watching South Park from afar.  For many months the bird was followed, until it came to the time for you to pass to your next and final protectors.  As the bird travelled carrying its instruction to your next protectors, Agar'ksh followed, and through grim chance she then held the knowledge that would shatter our chances without breaking the magically bound laws. 

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