Chapter 31

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The ride was relentless, the only breaks from the bone shattering gallop were when they approached roads that must be crossed, even then Nimcraban flew ahead and reported if the road was clear, if there was no sign of life it was taken at full flight.  If they had to wait, they would pull their cloaks around them shielding themselves from human eyes.

 “We stop at Cherchefelle it will be a good time for Sara to rest while we wait for the noon sun.  It would be the expected place for us to stop anyway.”  Thomas's voice was nearly whipped away by the wind.

 “I’m fine.” Sara managed through her clenched teeth, the aching pain from the ride was making her dizzy.

 “We must stick to the obvious plan as if we are heading for the Thirldoor.  From Cherchefelle, they would expect us to continue up the elvish road towards Hallega then to the ancient Stane Street towards the south.”  Sara managed a nod.

 As it turned out, their stop was only about half an hour later.  Wide heath land opened out.  The patchy grass gave way to sand underneath, if anything it allowed the horses to go even faster.  The sun was now high in the sky, so she guessed it must be near to noon by now.

 They pulled into a small copse of trees, and the horses skidded to a stop as one.  Sara threw her aching leg over to slide off Turaanar, as her feet hit the floor her knees buckled, and she ended up on her backside.  Blaise pulled her to her feet laughing softly.

 “How is my mortal doing?”  She knew it wasn’t a jibe

 “Ask me in ten minutes when the blood has returned to my legs.” She smiled back at him

 The trees offered patchy cover overhead and certainly did not shield them from any watching eyes.  Sara felt very exposed.

 “Are we safe here?” looking at the beautiful heath land it was easy to imagine eyes peering back at her.

 “We are safe enough, this is an ancient place for good forces.  Good has always been drawn here over the ages.  Even its modern name comes from Roe Deer Gate.  The roe will not step onto evil land.”  Thomas was rummaging in leather bags pulling out food for lunch from every fold it seemed.

 “Modern name? Reigate?”  She knew she recognized the heath.  They were in Reigate at the foot of the North Downs.  It had felt like they had travelled so much further, but inability to follow a straight path had wound them round covering far more than the twenty five miles as the crow flies.

 Pointing towards the downs that reared up behind them, Thomas told her of the Dwarf miners that had once settled here before they were called back to Arantor.

 “They would mine for the flints on the ridge above us.  Arantor does not have these stones and powdered down to dust they were sprinkled onto newly forged weapons and make them impervious to goblin blades.” In this place of beauty, she could imagine the mythical creatures that once walked here.

 With a groan Sara took a seat next to Blaise and tucked into the lunch that was spread out in front of them. 

 “Drink this it will revive your muscles.” He offered Sara a flask she recognized from her first meeting with Thomas.

 “Revive them?  They need replacing.”  She took a drink feeling the warmth spread through her aching body leaving suppleness and peace in her ravaged body.

 “Will they attack us if we are following the path they want us to?” she asked absentmindedly allowing her eyes to close.

 “We should be safe for today I doubt they will try and deter us from following this path.  Their powers will diminish in daylight but not enough to save us if we were surrounded.”  The words reassured her slightly.

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