Chapter 34

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Sara awoke as the first pinkish rays were dimming in the sky.  The sunrise sparkled on the dew of the heath.  She sat up she realized she had been sleeping curled up in Daeron’s lap her head on his chest.  There was no sign of the others.

Flustered she stood up “I’m sorry I didn’t realize.” She spluttered shyly.

“That’s fine I know you didn’t.  Blaise and the others are scouting to see all is safe to leave.  He wanted you undisturbed.”

He stood up and stretched, it made him seem even more massive. His light brown hair caught the sunlight. 

“How are you feeling?” his tone was friendly

“Better than I did last night.  I am sorry I never meant to lose it like that.” She was looking at the floor feeling sheepish.

“Don’t be sorry.  I have seen mortals die from the fright of seeing just one of the Har’oloth let alone the entire force.” He stepped forward to rub her arms in reassurance.

She looked up at him, smiling in thanks.  As his silver eyes met hers, he visibly flinched away, turning he started to pack up some of the bags.  He had withdrawn so fast from her she stood there shocked but before she could speak the others returned.

Blaise walked over looking first at Sara then Daeron his silver eyes quizzical.

“Everything ok?” he asked with an edge to his voice.

“Perfect My Lord.” Daeron said as he walked past Blaise out of the corral.

Blaise sighed and turned to Sara.  He scanned her from top to toe taking in the changes.  His breath caught when he looked in her eyes.

“What? What’s wrong?” she felt a shiver pass through her.

“Nothing, look for yourself.”  He rummaged through the remnants of last night’s feast and picked up a polished silver tray.  He held it up so she could look into its mirrored depths.

Taking the mirror, she looked, stunned at her reflection.  Her hair had thick streaks of lilac and silver through the blonde, but her eyes were now huge, glowing amethyst jewels, not a trace of hazel remained.

“Wow.” She said

“Wow is right, do you feel different at all?” he looked hesitant.

“Not really, I don’t think so. So does that mean I have changed enough?” hope flared that they might be able to shimmer to Arantor.

“Not yet at this rate it would take at least a week for you to be fully changed.” Thomas said from where he was studying her.

Turning back to Blaise, she looked at his face and went up on her toes to kiss him.  He dropped a kiss on her forehead but pulled away gently.  His hands on her arms pushed her back gently away from him a frown creasing his perfect brow.

“What’s wrong?” she said confused.

“Soon we run for the mist.  For today, I am nothing more than your guard and protector.  You cannot see me as anything other than that.  If I tell you to run you run.  You don’t look back.”  His words chilled her to the bone, she started to shake her head and took a step towards him.

“You are too important.  You need to understand, I am born to die for you if needs be and I won't hesitate, none of us will.”  His eyes were so serious she knew this was important to him.  Nodding miserably, she pushed him away and walked over to the other side of the corral tears shining in her eyes.

Blaise crumbled and took a step to follow her, feeling her pain was breaking his heart.  Aelthal’s hand on his arm stopped him.

“You can’t have it both ways My Lord.  Let her be.”  His eyes were kind knowing the pain Blaise was feeling.

The last of the overnight camp was packed away in silence.  Daeron was keeping as far away from Sara as he could get.  As they all finished off breakfast, all were lost to their thoughts of the final run to the mist.  Even Aelthal and Dorowin were quiet. They all knew the moment they broke cover and headed back towards Crowthorne the Har’oloth would know they were on to their plan, and the relative protection of being herded would be gone.  Mounting the horses they all drew deep breaths and pointed the horses towards the east.

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