Chapter 33

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She sat in the late afternoon sun, sipping from the flask watching as the others went about their unknown tasks.

Dorowin was a fantastic distraction from the fear. His lighthearted manner seemed to infect the others.  He tortured the Hîr Ohtacáro warriors mercilessly, not that they seemed to mind, they were clearly long time friends.  As the warriors worked he would appear from nowhere and rugby tackle them to the ground, shouting about how unfair it was that people feared the mighty Hîr Ohtacáro and how he was far more deadly.  Grendor had the similar sense of humor but was slightly more restrained than Dorowin.

Thomas had brought a number of insignificant looking stones and was placing them on the earth mounds and walls that surrounded the corral.  Once finished he called for quiet and for everyone to stay still.  As Sara watched his lips moved almost imperceptibly speaking in low tones that barely carried to her.  The words she did hear were completely foreign to her.  As she watched the air over the mounds and wall shimmered slightly then settled again.  Thomas walked back towards them looking happy with himself.

She stood up and walked over to the nearest stone.  The space over the wall looked perfectly clear but had the quality of water sheeting over a pane of glass.  The view over the heath wobbled slightly then would settle again.

“What is it?” she turned and asked.

Aelthal was standing behind her. “It is a fanhar, a shield to protect us from prying eyes.  If not looked at too closely we will be invisible to those outside of it.”  His massive arm circled her tightly and hugged her briefly.  It felt calming and reminded her of her father’s hugs.  Homesickness passed over like a wave.

“Can they pass through it?” She looked at the shimmering air that enclosed them.

“It would cause them considerable pain so I doubt they will try.”  The warrior led her back towards the others.

Blaise smiled at her and pulled her down to sit on the grass next to him, he kissed her lightly on the forehead then pulled her into his side.  He was subtly different since they had left the estate.  There was a distance between them that had not been there before.  She knew he was focusing on his job but it still niggled her slightly.

A meal was summoned by Dorowin that left them all feeling full and satisfied.  To keep the feelings of waiting and watching at bay Grendor and Dorowin embellished tales of old with dramatic effect until everyone was in hushed gales of laughter.

As the sunset approached even the dwarves quieted.  They sat in warm camaraderie watching the last of the light drain from the day.  The closer it got to sunset the more the air electrified with unease.  The easy conversation turned to watching and waiting.  Laughter died as the night closed in.

The seven figures sat silently watching the last rays of daylight die in a blaze of fire across the horizon, as noises started to reach the warriors ears.  The sounds had not reached Thomas or Sara yet, but Thomas knew they were coming.

An eerie twilight settled over the heath as the moonlight started to highlight the trees on the border of the clearing. The hillside was now a canvass of silhouetted trees gently swaying in the breeze.  Backlit by moonlight they stood like soldiers before the war that was to come. By now the noises were becoming louder, Sara cuddled in closer to Blaise as the low snarls and growls reached her ears.  She knew the fanhar was in place, but she still had the feeling that they were so exposed.

At first there were one or two goblins visible in between the silhouetted trees, then hundreds poured in behind.  Snarls and low growling filled the air.  She could hear the twigs cracking under the tide of their flat feet.   Their bodies were hunched low over the ground as if following a scent trail.  So many in numbers she could hear the dry rustle as their packed bodies brushed passed each other.  She could see the rough hewn weapons in their hands glowing dimly in the moonlight.  She felt slightly better that they were clearly searching for them so as yet did not know where the corral was.  A few passed torturously close to them but evil saucer eyes would glance in their direction then pass over them.

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