Chapter Seven

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Beware 😈 stingray chapter

    I was at dinner, eating alone at a table while Paul and Jean got their own food.

I heard footsteps walk up behind me, they belonged to stingray. 

He sat next to me, pushing my tray over to catch my attention.
I looked up annoyed. "What?" I snapped, a sharp attitude dripping off my voice.

"Let's talk." He said strictly.

I raised a brow and let him talk.
"Everything happened so fast, I never really got an answer on why you needed that safe back so badly." He said with a slight glare on his face.

I looked at him cautiously, feeling slightly alarmed every time I saw his razor like teeth.

Guilt flooded my face, while a sigh left my plump lips.
"Okay you're going to hate me . . Because who doesn't now a days." I started off nervously.
"But I . . I told the warden that I helped you steal the safe. So I gave it back to him."

He glared and stood up. "YOU WHAT?!" He shouted, making a few inmates look over in our direction partially interested.

I frowned up at him and put my hands up in defense.
"I know! I know! I'm sorry!" I wailed.
He grabbed my wrist tightly with his hand, and yanked me up to my feet.
"Why the hell did you do that?!" He asked glaring as I winced in pain.

"Because I felt bad for lying to him! I wasn't to keen on the whole situation when it happened anyways!" I replied, ripping my arm away from him as I took a step back.

He almost yelled something out before remembering he was in a room full of convicts.
Instead, he leaned close to me and glared with a hiss. 
"Did you know how much money was in there?!" He whispered yelled to me.

I looked away, crossing my arms.
"I don't care. It was wrong." I stated 'matter of factly' to him.
"If you want to get out of jail so bad, then I'd suggest you try not to do anything that would make your sentence any longer." I snapped on him clearly irritated.

"You know, for that you probably just added a few more YEARS on your hands!" I told him as he glared at me.

"I don't care! I'm busting out of here anyways." He grumbled, crossing his arms over his solid chest.
I chortled sarcastically as a cocky smirk rested on my lips. I kept my arms crossed and leaned back on my leg.
"Oh, and how are ya gonna do that?"

He glanced me up and down once, before continuing to glare at my sassy stance.
"I can't tell you, you'll just go straight to the warden. Since he's your new best friend now." He glared.

My face heat up with anger. He was so annoying!
"It's not even like that! So shut the hell up!" I yelled at him.
My words came out half timid once he raised a brow at me unamused.

I hated to admit that as much as I could probably kick his ass with a bat, he was strong. And he could very easily take advantage of me and hurt me.

"Come with me." He spoke up through gritted teeth.
Grabbing my arm with a strong grip, he dragged me out of the cafeteria and pulled me down a long hall.
Nobody else was here, so now we could yell at each other to our hearts content.
Not making a scene in front of other inmates.

"You got some nerve talking to me like that." He snapped, letting go of my arm as I looked up at him.
"Hey- fuck you asshole, I was just trying to live my life. You act like I wanted to be put in this stupid jail!" I frowned.

Superjail | Warden x reader x stingray |  It all started with a habit| Where stories live. Discover now