Chapter Three

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I sat on the cheap cold bed and frowned.

I heard Jean and Paul walk back to the cell laughing with each other.

I glanced up at them frowning then stuffed my face into my pillow.

They quickly stopped their laughing once they saw me in the bed.
"Oh hunny what's wrong?" Paul asked me worriedly.

I frowned and shook my head.
"Oh it's nothing. Im fine. I'm just really tired." I lied and sighed softly.

"Now, don't forget that I'm an expert at knowing when something's wrong." He said with a small smile.

I frowned and sat up, hanging my bruised feet over the edge of the bed.
"Okay. I never shared my feelings with anybody before . . so I'm not sure how this is going to go . ." My voice sunk low in my throat. It felt as if I had something blocking my throat so I couldn't talk.

I tried my best to swallow it down and talk again.
"I never had a real family to talk to about things- so here I go . ." I mumbled with a heavy sigh, pushing back a lock of my hair behind my ear.
"I feel bad because of something I did to the warden." I said. "Crazy, I know." I tried to chortle.

"What happened?" He asked sitting next to me.

I sighed again and frowned slightly.
"Okay so this all fucking started because I wanted to get my cigarettes back from the wardens office. So, I asked Jared to get them for me and he said yes for money." I started to explain.

"So I met up with this guy named stingray, and we made a deal. He told me that if I go get some key from the wardens room, he'll give me money. Which I got, and he gave me my money." I continued.

"But the warden caught me, when I was in his room, and we were talking for a bit then I . . I, uh, I-I kissed him to get the key from him. And then I ran off to Jared, and got my cigarettes back, but the warden came after me thinking that I liked him . . So I was a bitch to him, and now I'm here, locked back up again." I frowned. "He said he's treating me like an inmate now." I slammed me head back down into my pillow.

"I don't know why I feel so bad? I never felt bad about anything before. I never had the time to." I sat back up, thinking back to my past.

He sighed, patting my back.
"Oh boy. Well, the warden is an asshole anyways. So screw him. But if it's really bugging you that bad, why don't you go set things right?" He asked me as I shook my head looking at the floor.

"He doesn't want to see me again. And I don't blame him. I'm a worthless piece of shit." I mumbled.
"I don't even wanna see him! He annoys the hell out of me." I crossed my arms frustrated.

"Becca, you are not worthless. Besides, if he annoys you so much, just don't bother with him then." He said furrowing his brows at me concerned.

"But I feel bad." I mumbled with a sigh.
"Why the hell are emotions so confusing?" I asked stuffing my face back down into my pillow.

I've never had these emotions about somebody before. It was annoying and confusing.

I heard Alice knock on the bars, making the metal clink as she crossed arms at us.
"Dinner time, come on." She said as I sighed and sat up walking with Jean and Paul.

We walked to the cafeteria and I sat down, not even grabbing a tray.

I was alone for a few minuets until the duo came back to my side, which scared me. Most of the time being in here, men tried grabbing at me for my attractive body figure.

I glanced around the room and spotted the warden standing at the doorway of the cafeteria, crossing his arms annoyed while Jared stood beside him holding a clipboard.

Warden glanced at me looking irritated, then looked away at something else.
I sighed and looked down putting my cheek in my hand sadly.

Why was I so upset about this? He's just an annoying guy.

An inmate smirked, then sat down next to me.
I glared up at him and noticed the warden saw the guy beside me.

The inmate touched my hair with a look on his face that made my stomach churn.
Without a second thought, I smacked his hand away as hard as I could, catching him now glaring at me.

Another inmate sat down on the other side of me.

So now, I was currently sitting between two older and taller male inmates who were complete creeps.

The second male tried to grab my arm, but I snatched it away from his grasp and punched him in the jaw.
"Don't fucking touch me!" I snapped at him angrily watching as he became surprised.

"Calm down sweetheart-" He chuckled.
I glared harshly and felt the other guy pulling on my hair again.
"Sweetheart?" I asked angrily.

The warden came over to me and glared at the guys who were bothering me.

"Didn't you hear her? Get your filthy hands off of her!" He yelled at the two, while Jailbot came over and shot them both in the head.
My eyes widened and watched them fall to the floor oozing crimson red blood.

I looked up at the warden who sighed shaking his head in disappointment.
"I'm sorry about those disgusting animals." He said to me with apologetic features.
I blinked at him and cleared my throat, standing up.

"I could have handled it myself." I said as he frowned slightly.

"Two men against one petite girl?" He asked to clarify as I glared slightly, I crossed my arms.
"Yes. Im very capable of handling things on my own . . But uhm, thanks." I looked down frowning slightly.

He sighed, "You're welcome." He replied.
"Well, I'll leave you alone now." He mumbled while walking away sadly. I looked up quickly and watched him walk away.
"W-Wait!" I basically cringed at myself.

Why the hell was I going to do this?

"I'm sorry. For earlier . . ?" I said, watching him turn around and looked at me surprised.

"Wha- really?" He asked, a slight smile tugging at his lips.

"Yeah." I mumbled looking down with a sigh.

"Well.. Apology accepted!" He grinned pulling me into a tight hug.

I blushed brightly and shoved him off of me.
"Yeah, yeah! Okay." I stuttered, looking away. The blush on my face faded quickly.

"So, do you still want to go to the ball with me?" He asked hopeful, raising a brow to me.
I sighed and crossed my arms while he awaited my response.
"Sure, I guess so . . " I said looking at my feet irritated.

It was the least I could do to make up for what I did to him.

"Great! Go with Alice and pick out your dress!" He grinned like an idiot and walked away.

I groaned.
What the hell did I get myself into.

Superjail | Warden x reader x stingray |  It all started with a habit| Where stories live. Discover now