Chapter Thirteen

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I've been writing waaaay too much superjail with stingray in it; and watching it too much recently, because I just woke up from having a dream with stingray in it.. Alright then.

A shake of my shoulder woke me up as I groaned lightly and opened my eyes to see alice waking me up.

"Hey, good morning. You missed your alarm." She said as my eyes widened.

"Oh geez, really?" I asked as I sat up quickly; seeing my reflection in the mirror that was on my dresser across from me; seeing that my blonde hair was a complete frizzy mess I sighed and rubbed my face tiredly.
"What time is it anyways..?" I asked mumbling to her.

"Eleven o'clock. But the warden said letting you sleep in today wasn't a big deal." She told me as I nodded.
"That's good; because I'm exhausted still." I said to her almost falling asleep again.

"Well get ready and I'll meet you in the cafeteria for food." She said walking out of my room as I stared at myself in the mirror for a few minuets with a tired sigh.
I got up and walked over to my dresser and yawned as I picked up my brush and started to brush through the nots in my hair and decided to wear makeup for once.
I look great without it; (not to brag.) but it's fun to wear it.

Once I finished, I changed into my uniform and walked out and went down to the cafeteria.

I saw Alice and I smiled at her.
"Wow you look great. You'll have to do my makeup sometime." She winked as I laughed lightly.
"Thanks." I said smiling a bit as we both leaned against the wall.

"I'm actually really hungry, so I'm gonna go eat and sit somewhere." I smiled as her as she nodded and gave me a small wave as I walked off to go get some food.
I looked for a spot to sit, and noticed stingray with a few of his cell members.

I sat down next to him as he looked at me and raised a brow.
"What are you doing here? And you're wearing makeup?" He said looking at my face and straightened hair.

"I was hungry. Jeez can't a girl sit down and eat?" I asked rolling my eyes with a laugh as I took a bite of my food.
"And yes actually, I am for once. I actually decided to get ready." I shrugged with a faint laugh.

"Interesting. Wish I cared." He said looking back over to Nicky who was talking about something.
I frowned faintly, I wasn't too phased by what he said; I knew that's just how he was.

"Good to see you back," Jean said to me as I looked up from my food and raised my brows lightly.

"Huh? Oh, yeah." I laughed sheepishly.
"How do you like working with the warden?" He asked as I shrugged.

"It's okay I guess." I said as right on cue, I saw the warden walk over to me.

"Rebecca! There you are!" He grinned as I got pulled up by the warden from where I was sitting and got dragged over next to him.
"Uh yeah," I smiled sheepishly at him.

"Did you eat?" He asked as I pointed at my plate, "I was eating." I laughed lightly as the table rolled their eyes.

"Yeah warden, let her eat." Stingray said sarcastically as I hit stingray with my elbow; earning a small groan from him.

"Well, finish eating and meet me in my office. Jared and I have a list of things for you do to today." He smiled At me and walked off as I nodded.
I sat back down and sighed awkwardly.

Superjail | Warden x reader x stingray |  It all started with a habit| Where stories live. Discover now