Chapter Twelve

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I sat on the wardens desk as he looked out at his jail through the window that had some faint fingerprints on it.

"Ugh I just don't get it! How can they be so stupid!" The warden said frowning irritated as I sighed looking down at my shoes with a distant look on my face.

"I don't know, sir." I said as I looked over at him; watching him turn around and draw his attention to me.

"I mean, do they just not think or something? I'm trying to run a jail; and they just break all the rules I spent a long time trying to make." He whined crossing his arms annoyed.

Well; first of; Lemme recap a few things that happened;
It was currently a few days later and the warden and I had finally been able to talk about some stuff.

He was currently ranting about all the inmates not following the rules and such, I was kinda tuning him out from the fact I was literally passing out sitting up from being so exhausted after the past events that happened.

"I don't know. I guess they're just stupid." I mumbled to him resting my cheek in my hand as my elbow stayed lazily propped up on my legs which were crossed.

He looked at me and frowned faintly walking up to me. "Are you okay?" He asked me as I smiled up at him.

"Yeah, I'm just exhausted," I said with a weak smile.

"What happened with you and stingray and ultrajail? Did they hurt you? Did he hurt you?" He asked frantically as he looked around my thin arms and ankles.
I laughed a bit more and covered my face giggling.

"No! I'm fine!" I laughed more at him.
"What took you so long to ask that anyways?" I asked him raising a brow.

He stood back up straight and shrugged, "I've been so busy I haven't had the chance to ask you; let alone talk to you." He frowned faintly with a small sigh.

"Look, it's fine. Okay? I'm fine; I promise." I smiled at him.

"Why did stingray get you anyways?" He asked me raising a brow.

I shrugged looking at my feet. "I dunno. I guess he just cares." I said avoiding the real question.

"When you were gone for two days it worried me. And I knew I couldn't do anything about it, because you weren't supposed to be put in this jail." He said frowning a bit.

"Yeah I know.. But I was okay. It wasn't too bad there actually. Except their uniforms." I laughed lightly.

"Yeah. It makes every one of them look like a skank." Warden snickered.
"Haha yeah." I trailed off.

"Well anyways, I'm glad that you're back. I missed you around here." He said laughing lightly with a hint of sheepishness as I smiled at him.

"Yeah, I missed you too warden." I said.

"Oh, you don't have to call me that anymore, just call me-"

"WARDEN!! There's a problem downstairs with the inmates! They're fighting again," Jared interrupted as I blinked in a small shock.

"Come quick!" Jared said frantically as the warden gave a nervous sad smile to me and ran out with Jared as I sighed heavily and sat on the desk tiredly and a bit sad.

Right on cue Jared. Right on cue.

I heard the door open up and I saw stingray smirking; it quickly faded when he saw me in here, and looked a bit shocked.

Superjail | Warden x reader x stingray |  It all started with a habit| Where stories live. Discover now