Chapter Twenty Three

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I stood in the cafeteria next to Alice as we watched over the inmates.

"You doin okay?" Alice asked me as I stood with my back against the wall.
"Uhuh." I said with a nod as I looked over at all the inmates eating.

"Good morning!" I heard the wardens voice as he grabbed me from behind and hugged me.

I flinched then felt him kiss my cheek and let go.
"Uh, hey." I smiled awkwardly.

"How did you sleep? And how's your eye?" He asked me as I shrugged.
"Fine I guess." I mumbled as Alice smirked at me.

"That's good sweetheart." He told me with a grin.

I cringed at that nickname.
That stupid nickname.

"Please don't call me that.." I frowned. "Anything else but that, okay?" I asked him as he questioned it at first but then ignored it.

"Uh okay." He said as I saw stingray looking over in my direction.

"So anyways. Do you want to have dinner tonight with me and Jared? Alice you can come too." The warden smiled as I shrugged.

"Yeah sure." I said a little unhappy.

It felt weird not being around stingray again.
I liked the warden allot, but that night really made me have some serious trust issues.

Plus.. I just always felt surprised whenever I was with stingray. With the warden.. I don't know. I just feel like everything is always planned and nothing is ever gonna be thrilling or surprising to me.

"Are you sure you're okay??" Alice asked me as the warden raised a brow confused.
"Why wouldn't she be?" He asked budding in.

"Because of you dipshit." She glared as I laughed nervously.

"Nooo! It's okay! It's not you-"

"Yeah it is." Alice said breaking my lie as I sighed and sunk to the wall.

"Wait, Really?" He asked frowning at me a bit.

"Uh, yeah sorta." I shrugged a shoulder as I glanced over in stingrays direction.

I frowned faintly as he talked with a few inmates.

"Becca, I'm so sorry." He interrupted my thoughts taking my hand and holding it carefully.

"I-it's okay.. Really." I lied with a slight eye roll as I looked away.

Alice sighed heavily shaking her head at me.

"No.. I shouldn't have done that the other night. And I still feel really bad." He said as I looked at him.

"You only feel bad when I look sad." I said as Alice smiled a bit.

"No, no! That's not true!" The warden said a bit louder as some of the inmates starting to look at us for a second.

"Yeah. It kinda is though." I said crossing my arms and looked away.
"No, I can make it up to you. Please?" He asked as I looked at him then glanced at stingray who was glancing over at us.
"I don't know.." I mumbled sadly. "I think I'm getting bored."

"No, no! Just go to dinner with me tonight! I can show you that you'll be happy." He said surely as I sighed dully.

"Will you excuse me?" I asked him running over to stingrays table and smiled at him a bit as the wardens jaw dropped.

"She's ballsy." Alice smirked as the warden glared at her.
"Oh shut it!" He yelled angrily.

I grabbed stingrays arm and pulled him down the hall with me as I smiled a bit.
"What the hell happened??" He asked me.

"I had to get away from him. I missed you." I said as he laughed.

"Already?" He asked as I giggled.
"Yes," I said smiling up to him happily.

"Look.. As much as I love this, and I'm gonna hate to say it, but.." He started as we stood out in the hall, he stopped me from walking as I frowned a bit at him.

"I think you should give the warden another chance." He sighed heavily.

"Wh-..what? Why??" I asked him as he looked away then back to me.

"You're a good person. You shouldn't be with somebody like me. He's just stupid and confused. And half the time he doesn't know what the hell is going on, But I think he needs you to be stable. And I think you need him too. You're just going through a phase of liking me because you got bored and hurt with him." He said truthfully as my heart sunk in my chest as I stared at him.

"No.." I held back tears as I frowned up at him.
"No, that's not true." I told him as he made a crooked frown at me.

"Rebecca I know that you know it is." He said calmly as I frowned. "But I'm bored whenever I'm with him. You make me happy and you always surprise me." I told him as he shook his head.

"See? You got bored so you came to me. Just.. Ugh, give the dumbass another chance." He said a little annoyed at himself looking away from me.

"Why? Do you not like me anymore or something?? What about last night? O-or any of the other times-"

"Yes I still like you! But I know I don't deserve you." He said as I raised a brow.

"What the hell?? You're stingray.. You get what you want, when you want it.. And I've never seen you like this before." I said furrowing my brows at him confused.

"Yeah, I know." He sighed heavily.
"Just forget about me, okay?" He said as I shook my head.

"No! You're being stupid. Were you drinking or something??" I asked him seriously.

"No." He said unamused at me. "Come on, let's just go." He said as I frowned at him.

"Why do you want me with the warden?" I asked him again as he sighed heavily.

"You belong with him. Now stop talking about this." He said getting agitated as I frowned at the floor while we walked.

"But he fucked up and cheated on me-"

"Yeah! I know! We all fuck up I life, I fuck up every time I'm around you, too! But you know how many chances you still gave me??" He asked as I looked at him.

"That's true.."

"Of course it's true! Am I ever wrong??" He asked as I smiled a bit. "Sometimes." I said as he rolled his eyes.

"Just go talk to him again. I want you to forget about me. And pretend I don't even exist." He said as I raised a brow.

"You're scaring me." I told him honestly as I frowned at him.
"I'm scaring myself too." He joked with a chuckle but my frown didn't move from my face.

"You're doing this for your group aren't you? Because they kicked you out?" I asked him as realization hit me.

"N-no I-" I cut him off.

"Yeah!! You are! You know what, maybe it is a good idea to forget about you. You're a fuckin asshole." I glared at him.
"Goodbye stingray." I said harshly as I stormed off down the hall and went to go find the warden.

I ran up to him and frowned a bit. "I'll take that offer, I wanna be superjail's next power couple."

Superjail | Warden x reader x stingray |  It all started with a habit| Where stories live. Discover now