chapter 3-the gods watch me sleep

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Percy (15 hours after he caught Artemis )

Percy sat on the small wooden chair, tired and hungry, although mostly hungry. He was in the Olympus waiting room which is a new thing that they had Annabeth throw in there, its one of those "take a number and wait for it to be called" kinda ordeals. Although Percy was the only one there at the moment, and it took forever.

It took him back to the memory when he was real little and his mom got her drivers licence renewed. It took 4 hours at the DMV and there was only a few people there.

Percy glanced over at the clock and figured Annabeth was at Aphrodite's by now designing for her...again. He looked up and the young blonde receptionists holding a cold look at him making him a bit uncomfortable.

He was starting to get slightly aggravated with recent events as he played them through over and over in his head.


"Where is Thalia?" He asked desperately. The lieutenant shook her head sadly, and it tripped a nerve  "THAT'S NOT A STRAIGHT ANSWER DAMMIT. WHERE IS MY COUSIN?!"

"Do not yell at my hunters like that, boy!" Said a weak but Still angry Artemis. Percy was stunned silence. Cold sweat started to form as he predicted death was about to come. But it didn't. He quickly apologized to the lieutenant and walked up to Artemis who was still being attended on by Apollo.

"Lady Artemis, forgive me, please. Worry is filling me and I have yet to get an answer" Percy was still slightly surprised he was having this discussion with her. He thought she'd still be passed out. Least she was when Percy found or, when she found him.

She sighed sadly. "Honestly. It all happened so fast..whenever a hunter dies I usually get a sharp pain in my chest but... I was hut in too many places... I don't know if she did or not "

She continued to talk after that but Percy zoned put and time slowed ever so little for him. Everything around him got muted out and he could only hear his fast inhales and exhales.

He refused to believe his cousin. The Thalia Grace daughter of Zeus was dead. His fist tightened and he felt a new sensation grow over him. Something he has never felt before. Anger and hatred washed over him, and...something else...something darker. voices whispered ever so quietly in his ear. Percy realized they said one thing.

Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill.

He wanted to take out riptide and just- "PERCY!" Apollo shouted. Jarring him back to reality. He flinched slightly. "You okay, Perseus?" Artemis asked.

Percy looked into hers and Apollo's eyes and saw something. Not worry or concern. Or even hatred from Artemis. This was something he's never seen on a gods face.

Apollo sighed and chanted a couple of things, making Percy glow slightly and feel tranquil and drowsy. "I figured you wouldn't be able to sleep due to recent events. This is a sleeping spell. Go to your cabin and get some rest. "

Apollo said, or more like ordered. But he for some reason nodded and walked back almost as if in a trance. And got 3 hours of sleep before--

Bang bang bang "Percy! Wake up! Its quite urgent. Come on now."

Percy groaned and got up rubbing his eyes. The sun wasn't up yet so it was still night time. "Lord Hermes. What can I do for you. ?" He asked after he opened the door.

"You need to come with me to Olympus. Father moved you up due to recent events. " he held out His hand presumably to teleport him and Percy to Olympus.

"Why?" Percy inquired

Hermes shook his head and shrugged. Great, Percy thought.  More questions that haven't been answered.

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