chapter 8-Ryker Vs. Jackson

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Percy stood over the mysterious guy who was currently bandaged and laying in the Hunts medical tent. He was about his age, black hair with white streaks in it. Although he has no roman tattoos and no beads from camp, how a demi god of this age survived this long without any professional training was beyond Percy, but there was also something off about him, and Percy was racking his brain to find out.

Flash back

Percy walked on the outside of the hunts little group, from camp they were going to the last place they knew Thalia was, from there they hope to find some sort of clue.

Although five minutes into this whole 'guardian' thing and Percy was already not having fun.

They kept Annabeth from him, the only person that kept him from going barnacles and he couldn't talk to her. That and every so often, or more like very minute he would get pelted by a rock, or a hunter would sneak up on him and Get in a cheap shot

Percy was kind of scared to fight back, one harsh move toward these girls, even if its for self defense and Artemis would play "let's hunt the guardian" so he withstood and or dodged everything that came his way. And if they weren't physically hurting him the were passive aggressively talking crap behind his back or convincing his wise girl to break up with him. Percy didn't think Artemis knew but honestly didn't think she would care.

Speaking of Artemis, Percy thought she been acting strange. When they walked up to greet her before leaving she gave him a look then turned away.

Earlier this morning she called him Percy a couple of times. Or maybe he was just imagining that

When he first was reacquainted it was mostly pent up grudges and 'Perseus' which he wasn't one hundred percent fond of.

They had Annabeth dawn just a silver and black jacket, almost as if a letter invitation to the hunters of the moon. Percy remembered all those years ago after saving Bessie's life he thought Annabeth would join and he was scared. He (unknowingly ) at the time loved her and didn't want her gone. He almost confessed to her that very night.

Percy ducked out of the way avoiding another large rock, which he was confused to where they were finding these. From what he saw it was nothing but sticks leaves and dirt.

They hiked up another hill and a collective gasp was heard through out the group, Percy had expected to see more forest, but before him was a burnt circle, no trees just charred stuff in a thirty feet radius.

"The night we were running " Artemis said, Percy jumped not knowing she was next to her. "I heard a scream. And an eruption of lightning. Oh my....I didn't think Thalia was capable of this."

"Bloody hell." Said another hunter.

"BLOOD!" shouted Percy. Everyone jumped.

"Search for blood. Dried blood, large pools or a line of blood. No blood means Thalia isn't hurt. Or at least I hope." He said the last part quietly. Annabeth already started looking but the rest of the hunters looked toward their maiden goddess. She nodded on and everyone started searching.

After a good ten minutes they found what they has hope for. A crap load of monster dust, a part in the dirt where Artemis said Thalia was, before three sets of footprints appeared out of no where, sloppily picked up Thalia and disappeared.

"If they teleported, that means the captor is immortal. I'll have to sense for the energy trace." Artemis said sitting down cross legged.


Artemis sighed and groaned. Motioning for Annabeth to explain.

"Percy every god has a special type of trace in energy, Apollo is a hot heat wave type, Artemis is a cool silver light, the more powerful the immortal the bigger the energy signature." Percy looker around for the described things.

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