Chapter 10-bad for business

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Percy's head was whirling a little with the events, what does James Rykers mom, and the leader of the enemy have to do with each other? No one had an answer and that night Ryker left saying he needed to find out some stuff.

The next day Percy sat on a rock with baskets stacked with dirty clothes making the shape of an Empire State thoughtful of them.

Now Percy didn't get up an extra hour early, he actually never slept.

But none the less he started to do his water fire combo mix up of cleaning the clothes, and an hour later his charge came and sat down next to him, "morning, Perseus. I couldn't find you in a tree, didn't sleep?"

Percy shrugged but not saying anything at first, "I didn't come here because I thought you were cute half God, I came to listen to your story." Artemis kicked him a little laughing, egging at him to continue his story.

Percy blushed at that comment but obliged.

About when Rachel threw a blue plastic hair brush at the lord of time, Annabeth walked over and gave a weird look between Percy and Artemis, especially Artemis as if she was reading something she couldn't understand. But she shrugged it off and sat down putting her input in the stories.

"You know Perseus. I was near Mt. Saint Helens when it exploded, you caused a lot of people to evacuate." Artemis said.

Percy couldn't help but smile, it was one of those things you really shouldn't laugh at but can't help but do so because it being forbidden makes it funny. "I'll write them a sorry note."

He finished up the clothes around 10 AM and was about to head to arrows before Artemis stopped him; "hang on Perseus. I made a deal with my brother, every other day I'm going to teach you how to use those gifts my (I thought was sane) aunt gave you."

Percy started to grin his spirits instantly being lifted since he hated doing the arrows. "Oh this is something I gotta see." Annabeth mused.

Artemis waved her hand and a small wooden foot stool appeared next to her. She has Percy stand about 15 feet away from her and the stool, "teleport to this Perseus."


"Figure it out."

He groaned but shook his head and focused on the spot, I want to get over there, he thought.

And that's when he felt it again, a sudden rise and fall of his body temperature and the weird feeling it no ground under him.

He looked down seeing a solid 8 foot drop which ended with him landing on his back. "Again." Artemis muttered. "Focus Percy."

"When you teleport it doubles whatever momentum you were already going." Percy took a step and teleported again, appearing on the otherside of Artemis and going a lot faster than anticipated.

He painfully rolled spraining maybe a couple of spot and probably his neck. "Or maybe it triples it.." Artemis said laughing.

The next try Percy went face first into a tree at running speed, "uuuugg I think it's more than triple."

"Focus Percy"

"I am focusing Artemis!" He yelled back. "What?" She asked back.

"You just told me to focus. I am!" Artemis crossed her arms, "no I didn't. Maybe you hit your head one too many times."

"Focus Percy."


Percy realized who it was.

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