Chapter 9-training and hunt life

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After hearing the news and Percy explaining how he knew, they sat in silence deciding what to do.

After awhile they decided to find him and find out who he actually is. so they searched for the person and yanked him off into a quiet part of the woods.

"I know you're a mortal, James. Don't try to lie your way out of that!" Percy said aggressively, Annabeth wouldn't admit it at that time because of the serious situation, but seeing Percy like that was kind of hot.

She shook her head of this.

Ryker shrugged, "alright. Fine, I'm a mortal, how'd you find out?" Percy blinked, he expected an argument but just got the honest truth.

Percy opened his mouth to say something but Annabeth could tell too
Many questions flooded his mind to come out all at once.

So she decided to take charge; "how did you get like this, it's obvious you can see through the mist."

"Yeah and how did you eat the ambrosia without dying?"

James raised his hands laughing, Annabeth figured he got this a couple
Of times before, "yes I can see through the mist, it's dangerous but I can eat the God food to heal me, and cards on the table because I'm an anarchist, hi, I'm James Ryker, I'm a mortal who works as a hitman in the world of the immortals."

Annabeth and Percy immediately took a step back in a battle stance, clutching the hilt of their weapons.

"Don't even try, you couldn't touch me before and you can't touch me now with your weapons." Annabeth ground her teeth, cocky bastard.

"I bet both of us could take you with our hands." She said arrogantly.

"You could, you'd have to get past my weapons though." He crossed his arms, almost daring them to take a shot.

"Cards on the table, right?" Percy asked. Ryker nodded in response, "are you here to kill anyone of us or anyone in the hunt?"

He laughed, "while celestial bronze and imperial gold doesn't effect me, their silver tipped arrows and knives do, but in truth? No, not here to kill anyone."

Annabeth knew this guy wasn't telling the whole truth.

"Then what are you here for?"

"Sorry, goldilocks. Can't tell you that, bad for business." He said winking at Annabeth. She wanted to judo flip this cocky mortal into cement.

"But you are in business?" Percy intercepted, for the mean time he ignored the last comment and rude gesture from the assassin.

"Yep! From who, and what business is a secret because-"

"It's bad for business. I got it, I've never heard of you before though." Ryker leaned against a tree, "wouldn't be a good assassin if you did. I can tell you a job I did though that once affected your camp, on one condition, you take two more steps backward."

Annabeth opened her mouth to protest but curiosity killed the cat, they did as they were told. "Long, long, long ago I did a contract for a son of Hermes, real douche lookin scar face kid--"

"Luke?!" Annabeth cried.

"No names darling, anyways. Told me to get this poison off someone and-" Percy's fist tightened. "Son of a bitch! You fed him the poison that hurt Thalia's tree!"

"On a technicality, you can't hate me for that, if it was never poisoned you would of never gotten the coat that gives you super powers-"

"Golden fleece." Annabeth cut in. Ryker ignored her,

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