Chapter 11-rescue op

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Artemis sat with her back against a tree, Percy and James stood across from each other.

The assassin spoke his plan however it wouldn't go down for another two days, and Ryker still wanted to turn Her guardian into a decent fighter.

She pinched at her clothes at the weird way she worded that in her head, her guardian. Was she starting to get possessive? She shook it off but again felt an odd feeling.

After hours on end of Ryker being a hard ass on Percy (which she respected of this assassin. His motto was go hard or go home) they took a break and Artemis joined him.

He dipped his hands into the water and instantly started to feel healed. "How are you feeling about this whole mission?" She asked.

"James and I going off to do recon on this guys base? Not psyched but I want Thalia back." Artemis nodded in response to that.

"Hey Percy?"


"Make sure to come back safe and sound alright?" Artemis blurted without even thinking. She felt a red tint creep up to her face but Percy was focused on the water. "Worried about
Me are you, Milady?"

"First off I called you Percy there, least you could do is stop being formal with me." He said hissing at him. Percy stood up examining himself, "have it your way, Arty."

"What was that?" She glared.


"Seriously though Perseus....come back alright? No sense of losing you and gaining only it would really suck to explain this to our fathers." Percy laughed and made a face, "ah so that's it, you don't want there to be any fun little hurricanes or earth quakes around your hunt.  That's why you care."

"I'd probably be permanently banned from your fathers domain. Not that I was ever allowed there anyway, but-" she wasn't cut off but she joined Percy to sit on the rock he was using to watch the sun set.

"For a second there, I thought you had a heart." Said Percy poking Artemis in the arm teasing her.

Aggravated, Artemis wanted to prove him wrong so she pulled him in for a hug that was awkward due to how they were sitting. SHe made it meaningful though taking in Perseus' scent and making it tight.

Percy didn't hug back, maybe because he liked his manhood or maybe hectare he was in shock. But when Artemis let go she figured shock due to his face.

"I do have a heart, Jackson." She said smugly.  Percy didn't have a come back. He stared at her with his mouth agape, Artemis turned her view back to the sunset and felt a finger poke her a couple of times in the cheek.

"Are you real?"

"Stop touching my face Percy. Yes I'm very real." Percy stopped, a couple of seconds went by and "Percy stop!" This time she giggled though.

They sat in silence before Artemis stomach growled for food. "Huh...guess I should start hunting huh?" She got up to leave but Percy grabbed her arm stopping her.

percy jackson, guardian of the hunt Book 1Where stories live. Discover now