chapter 4- they try to break us up

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AN- he real quick. Is it break up? Or brake up for relationship terms. I over think things so I got real confused ams said "fuck it. I'll roll with this. " ....okay so onto the story.


My day was going pretty much normal. For a half blood that is. I hung out with friends designed more naked statues for Aphrodite (the third floor of her palace is literally a museum of just her and facts about her. One couch had a sign that said 'did it with Ares. ' *shudder* ) and hung out with friends again.

Now life as a half blood things can get really... Abnormal really quick. If your boyfriend is the prince of the sea, the dazzling yet probably slow Percy Jackson. Well things surprise you. Annabeth even had a dream that HE told her HE was pregnant with her child. She didn't kiss Percy for an entire week after that dream.

Percy tapped her on the shoulder and she turned a little surprised by his presence on Olympus, but he had a weird look on his face and dawned a black hoodie, riptide poked out of his pocket and he seemed to have a dagger and other weird things on him. Almost as if he was going to climb mount everest. Not only that his eyes, when you looked straight at them they were the usual beautiful sea green that she loves but out of her peripherals when she turned away from percy. They looked almost red.

"Do you want to move out of camp half blood with me and go on...uh...let's call it an adventure ?" He said almost uncertain of his own words.

Before she could answer Hestia appeared next to him, hand on his shoulder smiling kindly. "She's waiting for you Perseus. She doesn't like to be kept. " despite Hestias warm kind of aura Percy shivered almost in fear and aggravation.

Percy pulls Annabeth along "come on. Ill explain on the way. "


Before Zeus continued what he was saying. Uncle Hades formed out of the shadows and whispered something in his ear making him go wide eyed.

Zeus called Apollo and Hermes over and whispered to them. They flashed over and the 3 God Kings strolled away talking amongst themselves.

Percy groaned and rubbed his eyes aggravated. "I hate my life. " but as I found out later. The fates decided to shout 'WORLD STAR' and hit me with more horrible things. Hermes and Apollo came back with Artemis..ooookay. She was still a bit beat up but walking non the less.

Zeus gathered everyone in a circle and quieted them all down. "I asked Hades here a special request to search for my daughter in the underworld. Her soul was not found in punishment or Elysium. " dead silence. No one said a word. That meant his cousin was alive. And taken. Percy shuddered but Zeus continued.

"Artemis. I hate to say it but the evidence of Thalia being taken is...sufficient. As horrible as it is, we could learn a thing or two of this enemy. So small blessings. Also, your hunt is needing aid"

"I know, Father. " she grumbled sadly. Percy kinda felt bad. When you have a family like that, its sad to lose one of the- "that's why we had Percy run a test. We think it best he becomes a guardian of sorts. "

Percy looked over to him and held His hand up like a kid in class with a question. "Uh yeah. Come again for big fudge?" Artemis was seething anger. To think a boy would be in the hunt must have hit her number one spot on shocking things. "You will be her and the hunts protector Percy. I'm not really giving you a choice here. I'm worried for my daughters. Thalia and Artemis" he explained.

"You will follow her orders and travel with her. Protect her and the hunt with the best of your skills." Percy froze and thought his life was ending. But what began to thaw him out was the Chance to look for Thalia. And bring her back. No one really said anything until the moon goddess got over her shock.

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